Language Barrier

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Your feet were pounding against the hardened earth of the rainforest floor as you took off at a break neck speed towards the scene of plane crash. In these past few days several planes had been flying in and out of the area which was odd considering that you didn't get very many visitors and even the neighboring villages closer to shore had seen several unfamiliar ships just off the coast. There was even more troubling news from another village just to the East that reported several well-armed men marching through the rainforest in the cover of night. The news was certainly distressing because if those men turned their ire to any of the villages they could easily tear your people apart. Truthfully, you didn't have the weapons or capable soldiers to put up much of a fight.

Aside from that troubling news, minutes ago just after sunset a plane was losing altitude fast and crashed into the rainforest just south of your village. Thankfully, the crash site was unpopulated and you had rather hoped no one had been harmed. But that is what prompted you to take off into the rainforest; your bow and quiver of arrows bounced relentlessly on your back and you ran through the thick foliage. You also had a small handgun strapped to your thigh but you preferred the bow and arrow because you were a much better shot with it and arrows were far easier to come by than bullets. However, it was getting dark and you weren't entirely sure that you could make it back to your village before the last rays of light disappeared on the horizon.

You pulled yourself to an abrupt stop and looked up into the canopy of thick foliage spotting several chunks of twisted metal that spat thick smoke into the air. You decided to climb the tree and take a look at the pilot's seat but to your relief it was empty and hopefully that meant that whoever was piloting this thing was alive and well. You nimbly climbed back down the tree and landed on the ground with a soft thud. Suddenly you had this overwhelming sense of dread and it felt as if you were being watched. To your right there was a snap of a twig and you turned around successively slinging an arrow into your bow pulling tight, elbow barely grazing your chin. You saw something metallic glint in the darkness and suddenly a bullet flew by just missing your head but splintering the bark of the tree next to you.

Unexpectedly you saw a small group of men carrying rifles coming towards you so you jumped behind a nearby rock and fired your bow twice in rapid succession. Both arrows found their mark and you popped you head out slightly to get a look at your attackers you counted five but it was getting darker and the possibility that there were more men hiding in the shadows was entirely probable. You drew another arrow and trained it on another enemy who quickly dove out of the way but his leg was now exposed so you lined up the shot quickly and the arrow sunk deep into his thigh. He sprawled out on the ground screaming in agony but one more carefully aimed arrow silenced him.

The trees around you were exploding into clouds of smoke and the four remaining men were screaming at each other in a language that was foreign to your ears. When you jumped up from behind the rock to sink another arrow into your enemy you noticed more men coming into view from what you could see it was about six more men; all coming to aid of their comrades. You noticed that one man was pulling what looked like a grenade from his pocket you aimed your arrow with care and in the blink of an eye it was sailing through the air right on target. Just as the pin was pulled your arrow hit man in the dead center of his hand causing him to fumble the grenade and drop it on the ground in front of him creating a massive explosion.

You took the moment of confusion to run away from your remaining foes because you were low on arrows and your handgun could only do so much. So you quickly slung your bow over your shoulder and grabbed the handgun from your holster taking off deeper into the rainforest... you couldn't go back to your village otherwise they would surely be slaughtered. So you changed course and headed for this small secluded cave that you often sought refuge in when you went hunting. You were running as fast as your legs could carry you but suddenly it's as if time slowed down and a white hot pain tore through your midsection causing you to fall to the ground in agony. You carefully placed your hand on your stomach and pulled back your hand to look at it. Your vision was already becoming cloudy but you could still make out the bright red outline of your blood soaked hand.

Language Barrier (Nathan Drake x F! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now