What Was Lost Is Now Found

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This man had the nerve to threaten your people, you could care less if it was simply your own life in the balance but your village was another matter entirely. Your people knew nothing of this legend and they were not fit to fight off an attack especially one of this size. Drake stood firm when he addressed the man he called Jackson, "What's to keep you from killing all of us as soon as you get what you want?"

Jackson snapped his fingers and a man walked in front of you, in the blink of an eye he slammed the butt of his rifle into your abdomen. You shrieked as the rifle made contact with your previous injury; with enough force to send you toppling to the ground. Your hands were shaking as you clutched your stomach and let out a pitiful whimper. Drake made a move to run to your side but the loaded gun of one of Jackson's men kept him in his place, "You son of a bitch!"

Jackson gave a nonchalant smile, "I suggest you take my advice and help me find what I'm looking for or say goodbye to your friend here."

Drake looked between you and Jackson before sighing, "Fine but you will not hurt them. If you're going to hurt someone then hurt me." Drake led the way into the enormous temple as you were pulled to your feet and dragged along behind him by one of Jackson's men. The temple was beautiful but you felt that you could have appreciated its beauty more if there wasn't a gun barrel digging into your back.

It seemed like a dead end because it was simply a room, a beautiful room filled with ancient murals and statues, but there were no doors or windows. Much like the previous temple there was a series of hieroglyphic images wedged between two sculptures. Drake was herded over to the unassuming puzzle but he seemed to examine it with great frustration before turning toward Jackson, "I've never seen these images before... Jackson I can't solve this."

Jackson stormed over to you grabbing a fistful of your hair and dragging you with him, stopping right in front of Drake. He cocked his gun and aimed it right at you but you didn't make a sound, you simply gritted your teeth; there was no way that you were going to let this bastard see you cry. Jackson looked at Drake, "Well that is just too damn bad, as I stated before say goodbye to your friend here."

You locked eyes with Drake and saw a fire there that you hadn't seen before, "Fine for God's sake! I'm going to need their help so let them go, now!"

Jackson's death grip on your hair loosened and you and your uncle were roughly shoved in Drake's direction. Drake caught you as you fell forward and he pulled you toward himself protectively and turned toward the puzzle box. He sighed and addressed you and your uncle, "Okay do you recognize any of these symbols? I'm not going to let him hurt either of you so let's just go along with this for now..."

You looked at the statues in front of you and you did recognize them, "Well, this is another representation of Inti and the other is a depiction of his sister Mamakilla. Along with being recognized for their power over agriculture they were associated with the Sun and the Moon." You looked at the hieroglyphic images and began, "These seem to represent the differing phases of the moon and their corresponding phases of the sun..." You finished matching the symbols together and the large stone wall to your left began to lift; you let out a shaky breath and managed a smile.

You heard clapping and your attention was drawn back to where Jackson was standing, "Well done, indeed. Now after you..." Several guns were suddenly trained on the three of you, urging you all forward; Drake maneuvered you out of the line of fire but held your shoulders firmly as he led you down the staircase.

He spoke softly to you and your uncle, "I'm so sorry for getting you mixed up in all of this... But I promise you I will fix this." You gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as you continued down the never-ending staircase that seemed to have you walking for what seemed to be at least an hour. However, when you finally reached the bottom it was certainly a sight to behold. It was a city... an ancient city that seemed to have been pulled out of time loomed before your very eyes. It was massive and in impeccable condition considering how long it had likely been standing there. Off to the far left there was a massive waterfall; it was obviously hidden by the edifice of the temple, and the hole in the ground above created by waterfall offered the singular source of natural light. What struck you most were the buildings and homes in the vast city, the light of the fading day caught the shimmering walls of each structure. They shone as if they were made of gold and silver, Drake let out a breath, "Paititi, we actually found the Lost City..."

Language Barrier (Nathan Drake x F! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now