Cursum Ineo (Alternate Ending)

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AN: As promised here is a small alternate endingthat I wrote for Cursum Perficio; the final installment in my Language Barriermini-series. This features a happier ending so I hope you enjoy it. I called this piece Cursum Ineo, which is Latin for 'My Journey Begins' in contrast Cursum Perficio is Latin for 'My Journey is Over'.

You and your uncle stood beside Drake and began pushing the boulder with as much force as you could muster. It took a minute but together the three of you were able to move the obstacle but the sound of an angry voice caught your attention. Jackson was standing a few feet in front of you with blood dripping from his mouth and abdomen, "Drake! Stop right there... if I'm not making it out of here then neither are you!"

You saw Jackson raise the gun and after that instinct took over because the gun was trained on Drake but you quickly pushed him down. Jackson fired off two successive shots, the first of which missed and ricocheted of the wall. However, the second bullet tore through your arm viscously and knocked you to the floor. Your uncle and Drake both immediately kneeled down and came to your aid. Jackson raised his gun again but before it could fire, a volley of arrows pierced Jackson's entire body. You looked up and saw Jackson falling to the floor and several Sapa Inca on top of the buildings in front of you, lowering their bows as Jackson fell.

Drake helped you to your feet and you all managed to run up the remaining steps with just enough time to escape the crumbling temple and city. Never before had you been so happy to see the familiar rainforest floor; you took a moment to rest and assess your wound. It was bleeding so it might need to be disinfected and bandaged properly. But Drake came over and did his best to help you treat your wound even tearing off a piece of his shirt to dress your it.

You looked up at him, "Thank you, Drake."

Drake just smiled, "It's the least I could do; you saved my life back there.

You stood up and began the arduous journey back to your village. Desperately hoping that your village hadn't been attacked while you were gone. Drake and your uncle stood on either side of you, but Drake looked nervous, "Hey Y/N? Did you mean what you said about wanting to see the world? Would you ever consider traveling with me?"

Once what Drake said was translated you didn't even need to considerate it, "Yes I meant every word... I want to see the world with you." As the three of you continued walking back to your village; your uncle pulled you off to the side and whispered in your ear, "Now I must teach you how to speak English and teach Drake to speak Quechua; or this relationship is doomed to silence." Your face turned bright red while your uncle chuckled loudly; obviously pleased with himself.

-------------------------------------------------------A year and a half later----------------------------------------------------

You had a map spread upon a boulder trying to figure out where the hell you were but suddenly you felt a pair of strong arms encircle you and felt someone rest their head on top of yours. You knew exactly who it was, so you placed your own arms on top of his, "Nate, how lost are we?

He scoffed, "We're not lost we're just taking a detour and relaxing for a bit...."

You laughed, "Drake I've been traveling with you for just over a year; admit it we're lost..."

Drake pulled you into a hug, "Kuyaki, Y/N." You giggled, he was making great strides in Quechua and you were making great progress in learning English.

You grabbed Nate by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss, which he happily reciprocated, "I love you, too."

You heard a disgusted groan from Sully, "The two of you realize that I'm still standing right here, right?" Drake gave Sully a nonchalant wave of his hand, attempting to ignore his presence.

The End?

*Kuyaki= "I Love You" in Quechua 

Language Barrier (Nathan Drake x F! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now