Darcy Anne Styles

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I was lying on a hospital bed covered in sweat and tears,Harry was holding my hand with tears in his eyes.

I just gave birth to my second child. "It's a baby girl"a nurse hands me my beautiful baby girl wrapped in a pink blanket.

She was like a mix of me and Harry,She had his green eyes,which i love and my lips,she had a little hair on her head,not many babies are born with hair.

"Do you want to hold her?"i ask Harry,he nods and i hand him her.

"Your so beautiful,yes you are,just like your mommy"Harry said in a baby voice and kisses her forehead.

She yawns and closes her eyes

"When do you want your family to come in?"The nurse asks after a while. "Now,if that's okay with you"Harry looks at me "Yeah,that's fine"i say and Harry hands me her again I smile down at my baby girl in my arms. "So do you want to tell them the news?"The nurse ask Harry.He nods and pecked my lips then kisses our little girls forehead.

He walked out of the room to tell everyone the good news.


I can't believe that i just had my second child.Shawn is now 2 and he just got a little baby sister.

I open the door of our hospitalroom and see that everyone stands up when they see me,Our parents,our siblings,the boys and their girlfriends are all waiting for me to say something.

"It's a girl"i smile and drop a few tears.My mum walks over to me and gives me a hug. "i'm so proud of you baby"She says and her eyes start tearing up.

"So who is going in first?"The nurse opens the door.My mum,dad,Robin and Kats parents and of course our little Shawnybear get to go in first.

"Hi"Kat says in a weak voice,obvious that she's tired.


Harry lies down on the bed with me.Our parents walk into the room,my mum was holding Shawn,she hands him to Harry who gives him a kiss "Congratulations"My mum says and gives me and Harry a hug.

"Congratulations honey"My dad smiles and kisses my cheek.I'm so tired that i can't talk i just give him a smile.

"Oh,she's so cute"Anne said and dropped a few tears.

"How did it go?"Harrys dad Des asks "It went great,she was great"Harry looked down at me and gives me a kiss.

"Daddy,Who that?"Shawn asks pointing at his sister with his little fingers "Shawn,This is your little sister"Harry smiles and puts his arms around me

"What is hew name?"He asks and looks at Harry,Harry looks at me and smiles,i give him a nod and smile

"Darcy"He says "Dawcy"Shawn smiled and reashes for her hand. "Hew hands are wittle daddy"He laughs "Yes,they are"Harry says

"Darcy is a beautiful name"My mum says and puches my hair away from my face.

"Darcy Anne Styles"I smile

"I think we should leave you alone now you seem tired,you should get some sleep"Anne says takes Shawn from Harry "Daddy"he said and tried to grab his dads hand and get back into his arms.

"Yeah i think Anne is right,we'll just tell the other guys that you two are way to tired to stay up longer"My dad says.

"Oh,no it's fine"i say tiredly

"Kitty Kat you're way to tired,you need sleep"Harry says.Darcy was now asleep,it was weird to see that she didn't cry that much,maybe she was going to be a quiet baby.

(No she was not)

"Does anyone want to hold her?i ask them "Can i?"Anne asks,she smiles when she has her in her arms "she's so quiet"She laughs


After everyone had got to hold her,Darcy was past over to me,and i put her in her bed [i don't know what it's called that babies sleep in at the hospital,sorry]

I look over at Kat who is now sleeping with her head on my chest and Shawn sleeping in my arms.My mum takes Shawn from me i kiss my mum and Kats mum bye.

"Congratulations son"Kats dad says and shaks my hand "You did a good job"he smiles.

"Thank you"I smile back.

"Keep her save alright,i'm giving you another chance,don't mess this up"he says "I won't i promise,I love your daughter and our beautiful kids"I look down at a sleeping Kat in my arms.

When everyone left it was just me watching my little daughter Darcy and Kat sleeping.I feel like i'm the luckiest man on earth,i got a beautiful girl laying next to me and i have two beautiful kids with her.What could a man ask for more,except that beautiful girl to his wife.

I won't ask her soon,cause i know her dad is still realizing that the girl he used to call his little girl,isn't his little girl anymore,she is now a grown woman and has kids with a man that loves her more then anything in this world except their kids.He can't choose between the love of his life or his kids cause that's his life and will be forever his life.

"I love you girls,good night"I whisper and turn the lights off.

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