car ride

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My heart did not stop its harsh thuds for the whole car journey.

"How do you look like Kilo?" I ask, voice still quivering.

The person presses something on his wrist and, suddenly, he didn't look like Kilo, instead, he was a scrawny teenager with messy blond curls and green eyes. Quite the opposite to Kilo. He seemed pissed off.

"Name's Ash, but you have to call me Asher."

I was in disbelief of what I just witnessed. His skin got replaced with a slightly more pinkish, less olive complexion and he just... transformed.

"H- how-"

"Close your mouth, you look like a fish."

"Okay cool, Ash."

He let out a slightly amused grunt.

"And relax, I had to act tough so you would feel threatened, I'm not actually like that. Your boyfriend is fine."

"He's not my boyfriend."

I don't exactly know why I said that.

"Didn't seem like it when you guys were walking to school together."

"Wait, you were spying on me?"

"For months."

The rest of the car journey, I was in disbelief and found it impossible to digest everything that has happened in the last hour or so. I felt like opening the car door while moving and running but I couldn't let Kilo down. I felt like killing Ash or Asher, I felt like wrapping my hand around his throat and squeezing. But then I wouldn't know where Kilo was.

We stopped at a service station. Ash sighed, "Sorry, just need to get some food. And, uh, sorry for kissing you."

As he left the car, I wanted to say I didn't mind but I had to remind myself that I did.

When he got back, I asked how long was left.

He replied half an hour.

I asked if I would ever be able to see my mother again.

He replied that I probably wouldn't.

The blood drained from my body. 

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