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"Damien..." a voice was heard, "Wake up... Damien..." I can hear the voice. It was recognisable. It was smooth and feminine. I can sense you, Adrienne.

Once I heard my name twice, I opened my eyes. I was briefly staring at the sky, where it was all black and unnoticable. I was lying on sand, hence why I felt the tiny grains on my hands and feet where it was all bare and exposed to feeling unusual textures. I got up, it was a little difficult to stand but at least I did. I looked around, the whole environment was a desert with dim lights all over the place.

In my distance, I saw a tree, with leaves covered in gold. A huge ray of light had shine on it, leaving the leaves having sparkles around. The tree was located on a hill, but alongside, there was a person. It was a girl, but I knew it. It was her.

"Adrienne?" I shouted. There was no response from her. The wind noises were still occuring. "Adrienne!" I shouted again, but there was still no response. Since she didn't shout back, I decided that I want to run to the tree hill, where she was standing. I ran slowly at first due to the sand. I nearly sank but I managed to make myself stable while sprinting.

I made it. I reached to the top of the tree hill. I saw her standing there, nearly like at the edge of it. She wasn't facing me or the tree, she just stares at the environment, the dunes, the light-brownish coloured grains, and the sky that can't be seen with a naked eye or it was only pitch black. Her hair was flying slowly when I saw her. She was wearing our school's uniform.

"Adrienne... is that you?" I asked. I was anxious to know if it was really her.

"Took you long enough to come here, but I think you wasted your time." she said, still not facing me. I can notice that her eyes were opened, just kept staring out there. Of course she is aware of me in her presence but she can't turn yet.

"What do you mean? I saw you standing in the distance when I first woke up like you told me." I said, feeling confused. I rubbed myself on the hands and feet to remove excess sand.

"I didn't mean to waste your time. I just had the thought if you're still with me."

"I am still with you. I am your friend." I said, in a manner where I actually mean it.

"Then why didn't you bother looking out for me? Do you think I'm... different to you?"

I thought for a while on that part. She was never different in my opinion, but the people never wanted to befriend her in a proper way. As far as I know she was treated like that. "Because I never get to see you. You were never different. The other people didn't care, but I do."

"I understand you. I honestly thought you never cared for me." she said, in a saddened manner, "When we first talked to each other, I was filled with joy because you were the one who never puts a negative look on your face. You were the first to accept me, but I thought wrong."

"I accepted you back then, It's because we never get to see each other that often. You could've ran to me when you had the chance. You were always sitting at back, alone, in class."

"There were events that happened to me. I went through something that's been irritating and sad. I was kept bullied by those girls, and yet no one wanted to stop them." She was about to release her anger, "Those bitches... they threw my gift from my mother and shattered it... they pulled my skirt to take lewd pics and sell it to other boys... they sexually harassed me... wow, I never thought I would be treated like shit, do you agree?"

"I mean of course... but I wouldn't treat you that."

"I had enough of your lies, asshole." Her eyes were darkened, "I wasn't an attention whore just to want you. Someone like you could've been there for me, and that is all what I cared. You never imagined how brutal I was experiencing. I was nearly killed, Damien, I WAS NEARLY FUCKING KILLED." Her voice had turned demonic.

"Adrienne... don't be like that..."

"SILENCE." Her unleased her force and pushed me away. She was rising by flying with a red glow all over her. She finally turned, but her appearance had turned herself into a disturbing maniac. The tree's leaves had wilted and fell. "I never felt so powerful pushing you away, it's what they did when I was there."

"It's not helping if you're gonna stay like this! Threatening others and I isn't gonna work!" I was advising her, not begging.

She suddenly felt it, "You're right... I... I can't do this anymore..." Her tears were being shed. Her voice had turned normal again. Her red glow was gone and she fell while standing still. She was facing at me now but didn't want to let tears run all over her cheeks.

"Adrienne!" I was worried. I heard her cries as tears continued to shed from her eyes. I got up and approached her quickly. I knew she needed my help. "Stay with me, you'll be alright."

"Damien... please help me..." she begged, "I don't want to be a demon... but I just want everyone to experience what's it like to be in hell..."

"We're all not guaranteed hell, Adrienne. I am here for you. I will never leave your side."

"I lost my will." I didn't understand what she said.

"What will? If it's your life then you can't abandon us like that."

"I'm sorry... but... I have a place where I should be." She turned away from me and started looking at the sky. She was disintegrating into pink petals. They started floating into the sky, away from me.

"Adrienne? No!" I said, "Don't leave me!" The petals still kept going. I was being ignored. "Adrienne!" I tried. I couldn't get her back. I was left alone on the hill with a tree where its leaves were wilted. The light started shining again, the golden leaves started growing into its original beauty. A golden apple suddenly fell into my hands. I assumed it is a gift from her, but I wasn't sure if I could eat it.


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