Paris {changes have been made)

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The air in Paris always smells like fresh bread and blooming flowers in the spring. This was my fourth time visiting, I fell in love the moment I stepped off the plane the first time. My home state  was nothing like this, the art, the culture, the language, all of it was inspiring. Springtime was blooming in full color this time. The flowers almost seem to dance in the wind to the tune of Chopin's Nocturnes that blares through my headphones. While making my way through the park people play with their dogs and kids in the fresh cut grass, everything was perfect. I shrug off the leather messenger bag off my shoulder to sit at a bench under a blossom tree showering petals in the breeze. After deciding that this is the best place I could find I tugged the notebook out of the tattered bag beginning to write. Writing has always been my outlet, being able to pour your heart into the words on your paper is the best therapy. When I graduated high school I set off to be a writer even though my family disagreed with my choices.. 

An hour into writing I dug into my bag to find a pack of cigarettes, my entire world came crashing down when I couldn't find a lighter. Huffing in irritation I stuck the filter into my mouth and looked out around me, hoping something will jump out and light this for me. "God damn it." I muttered to no one in particular. "Who is God damning?" A soft voice hums out behind me. 

I whip around to see the source and I'm met with a man in a torn up black and white striped jumper and just as torn black jeans, his feet were adorned with black loafers... my eyes trailed up to his face to see his neck and hands wrapped with jewelry, black round glasses covered his eyes, and his dark chocolate hair hung out of a black, tattered military style beret. He eyed me questioningly as his head cocked to the side... probably wondering what was taking me so long to reply.

 My eyes shoot back to my notebook to try to hide the embarrassment on my face. I speaking out sheepishly while taking the cigarette from my mouth. "I'm damning myself,' a half-hearted laugh slips past my lips before I continue, 'I forgot a lighter." He smiled in understanding and sympathy while he sits across from me. The man laid a brown leather bag much like mine on the table and rifled through it until he found a lighter and held it out to me. "Thank you." I sigh as my fingers lace around it, brushing against his. A faint blush raises to my cheeks as I take it and light the tobacco. "No problem, I'm sorry I never caught your name." I looked up to see that he's slipped off his glasses, his eyes are such a lavish forest green. I was mesmerized. "Antionette," I mentally kicked myself back into the conversation, to avoid sounding like such an idiot. 'my name is Antionette." His hand extends as he smiles so sweetly I thought he would pour sugar. "I'm Emerson." When I reach my hand to meet his; it's up to his lips as they brush my knuckles while he whispers "Ravi de vous rencontrer". My heart was beating through my chest and my stomach was doing flips, he is amazing I scream to myself. "It's nice to meet you too Emerson." I reply meekly. 

Quickly I try to change to topic, or try to fill the growing awkward silence. "So uhm,' I hum out while looking around.  I notice the book peeking out of his bag and curiosity took over as I finish: 'Do you write?" His dark eyes lit up as he took the large book out of the bag and said "Not really,  but this is my sketchbook." The excitement in his voice made my heart sing, even the mention of art and it seemed like his entire attitude changed. "Oh really? Could you show me something?" I asked and moved my things over so he could sit beside me. In one swift movement, he was beside me to open the grand book. The architectural art I was met with was stunning, to say the least. His little details and the absolute perfection of the art made me look at him in shock. "You drew this?" I gushed. A proud smile crept on his lips, showing the little dimples on the sides of his grin while he retorted "Yes I did." His voice was different than any I've heard before. He was soft-spoken, but had confidence. It was soft, but rough and sweet, all wrapped in a mischievous bow.  

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