The Show

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We got woken up early in the morning to Jason banging on the walls of the bus yelling "Come on! Let's go it's sound check time!". Groans erupted through the bunks as Remington moaned out "Go away!". Cracking open my eyes I saw Emerson sit up and stretch, yawning big, he was an amazing sight in the morning. "Don't make me come in there!" Jason yelled as he cracked open the door. Everyone hissed at the sunlight streaming in as I yanked the curtain closed and pulled the covers over my head. Remington was the first one to get out of his bunk, he woke up Sebastian by yanking his feet and patted a terribly out of tempo drum beat on his bunk. Only earning a cry and a "fuck you" from him. Sliding out of Emerson's bunk knowing I wouldn't get by sleeping for any longer, I walked over to Emerson and sat beside him with my legs under me, rubbing at my eyes. He looked at me and let out a grumble, flopping his head into my lap. Sebastian finally got up as he walked to the table an sat on the bench, laying his head on the table. Remington, of course, was the first one in the bathroom to fix his hair and do his makeup. "So how many shows until you guys have a scheduled off day?" I asked no one in particular. Emerson mumbled while his head laid in my lap "In like a week when we go to Italy, we'll have a few days off." Just nodding I slid out from under Emerson and went to his bunk, pulling out my few articles of clothing that I had bought at the antique store. Sitting down beside Sebastian I sighed, loudly. Earning the attention of Sebastian he asked: "What's wrong?" Dramatically I threw my head towards the bathroom "Rem takes forever. He wears more make up than I ever have." The boys looked at me and laughed then Emerson studies my face closely humming out "I've never seen you have makeup on." Almost immediately the bathroom door flew open and Remington popped his head out of the small room, almost yelling "Can I do makeup on you?" This engaged Sebastian as he looked between Remington and me. "I-I mean yeah I guess." Nervously I stand up and take my clothes with me heading towards the bathroom "Can I get dressed first?" Remington's hands reached out and grabbed my arms pulling me towards the bathroom saying "Just change in here it's fine, I'll stand in the bathtub. Just let me give you a look!" I looked back at Emerson and mouthed 'help me' 

About half an hour later I walk out of the bathroom with a red eye shadow smoking out around my blue eyes and a thicker black liner. Straightening out my tattered and torn silk floral top underneath the maroon blazer I looked at Emerson and Sebastian. "Look what I did! She's hot!" Remington walked passed me proudly and sat down on the couch crossing his arms triumphantly. Sebastian turned to look at me and raised an eyebrow "Huh, yeah she is cute." My self-confidence was fleeting fast. "I think I'm going to go change and take off this makeup." Turning back around I was stopped by Emerson who grabbed a hold of my hand and shook his head. "No, no don't do that. You look beautiful... I mean you always look beautiful but now it's like- I just mean that... Maybe I should just stop talking." He looked down nervously and obviously embarrassed. "Yeah good going you idiot." Remington said, his voice shining pure amusement. Emerson let go of my hand quickly and shoved them into the pockets of his sweatpants. "I'm gonna get ready real quick then we gotta go..." He slid into the bathroom with an arm full of things. 

"I told you that he likes you." I shot a glare at Remington and sat at the table across from Sebastian. "Oh yeah, for sure, he likes you a lot,' Sebastian said while he stood from his seat. 'Rem, why don't you and I go in and leave these two to sort out their own stuff. We need to start warming up anyway." He smiled at me devilishly and walked out of the bus with Remington hot on his tail. Leaving me Emerson and I on the bus. Alone. 

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