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"Okay, if I get this one right, you have to down your drink!" I chuckled at Megan's suggestion. We were sat at a table inside a bar, sharing a pitcher of Long Island Ice Tea. Very alcoholic. We were on the coast of Florida. My mom suggested we take a holiday for a short time as a whole family again. With Theo and Ryan being in their twenties and working, it was difficult to arrange. 

Theo only agreed to come if his two closest friends, Ryder and Josh, could come along with him. My mother, a sucker for family, immediately agreed. I didn't mind though, Ryder and Josh weren't the worst looking people in the world, it would give me something to do. 

I was sat at my table with Megan and Chloe, my mom and step-dad sharing their own, Theo and Ryan shared their table with Ryder and Josh, as well as Ryan's girlfriend, Mia. 

"Fine." I answered, Megan immediately giggled, her already being tipsy.

"Blue!" I sighed. She got it wrong, but I was really looking forward to drinking more. I smirked, pretending she got it right as I downed my drink. Hopefully my mom doesn't notice. Who am I kidding, with the amount of noise emitting from Megan, I'd be surprised if everyone didn't notice. 

My mom just smiled as she watched, maybe it reminded her of her youthful ways?

I looked over to Theo's table, seeing them laughing at their own jokes. I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me that he didn't invite me to his table. We weren't the closest of siblings but whenever it came to drinks, we were never separated. Until now, I guess. Ryder looked over and smirked, I hadn't realised how long I had been staring for until Megan snapped me out of it. 

"Your turn." 

"I think I'm going to pass." I said, tired of playing the game. She had a small pout on her face but it didn't bother me. 

"Should we go back then?" My mom asked us, referring to the place we were staying. 

We all nodded and headed back to the holiday home we were renting out. Megan and I shared a room, Chloe having her own. Chloe didn't like me very much, probably because her biological sister liked me better than she liked her. I didn't mind her not liking me, she wasn't my favorite person either. 

My mom recognised that we didn't exactly get on with each other and agreed to separate us. Thank God. 

Theo, Ryan, Ryder, Josh and Ryan's girlfriend were all sharing a separate house, not too far from ours. My mom insisted that they would need their privacy and allowed them to have a separate house. Lucky bastards. 

Settling into the house wasn't all that hard, it was beautiful and a change of scenery. Tomorrow we are supposed to go and find places where we can go to eat. Naturally being a picky eater, it made me a tad bit nervous. 

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