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After I woke up, I had showered and changed into some shorts and a tank top. Nothing too fancy, I'm not dressing to impress. Megan, however, had decided that she wanted to dress inappropriately for a long walk to find places we could eat. She was dressing to impress. It bothered me a little, but it wasn't going to change my mood. 

"Rose, call your brother, see if they are ready." 

I got my phone from my back pocket and dialled his number. He took a while to answer but did before the phone would hang up.

"What's up?"

"Mom was wondering if you were ready."

"Uh, yeah. We'll be over in five." He sighed down the phone.

"Bye." I hung up, not waiting for his reply. "Five minutes!" I shouted to my mom who was patiently waiting in the kitchen. I grabbed some converse shoes and tied a jacket around my waist. Finally ready to go, I waited with my mom in the kitchen as Megan finally emerged from the bathroom. 

"Ready?" My mom asked us all. We nodded, now walking outside to see Theo and Ryan with their friends already here. Megan and I walked ahead, talking about what we should do tonight. Obviously the idea of drinking came up but we wanted to do more than just drink and chat. We wanted to play drinking games and have fun.

We had walked for about an hour when my mom finally decided that she had found a place that she wouldn't mind eating at. It was a large restaurant/bar called 'The Beck'. I checked the menu to make sure I would eat something from there and was pleasantly surprised by the selections. After everyone agreed, we headed back to the holiday homes.

By the time we got back it was pretty late so we decided to head to a near by store for some snacks and drinks. It was just Megan, my mom, my step-dad and I who were going to drink tonight. Chloe didn't enjoy the experience and often preferred to be alone.

Finally deciding on buying Vodka, Coke and some chips, we paid for the items and headed back. Megan had been unusually quiet which made me slightly nervous, normally she couldn't shut up. The thought of Ryder came into my mind but I quickly shook it off, he probably isn't relevant.

"So, did we bring any games?" Megan asked, seeming hopeful. I shook my head.

"Theo has them all, we didn't think to bring any." Theo was talking about playing a drinking game called Drunkopoly - Monopoly but with alcohol. Maybe we can take his Cards Against Humanity game instead?

I dialled Theo's number, waiting to see if he would actually answer. After three rings he did. I could faintly hear music in the background and a lot of masculine laughs.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey, can we borrow the Cards Against Humanity game?" I asked. Theo sighed.

"We were just about to play it, you can come over and play it with us, if you want?"

"Sure." I hung up and looked over to Megan. "He said he's using it, we were invited over though." A squeal of excitement left her body and she immediately called out to my mom and her dad that we were leaving before dragging me out of the house. She decided to bring the Vodka with her but no Coke. Let's hope they have some there.

I knocked on the door, having Ryder open it for us. He smirked when he saw us and the bottle of Vodka.

"Come in," Without wasting any time, Megan entered the house and went straight to where they were playing the games.

"Thanks." I thanked him and walked in, him shutting the door behind us. I looked over to the table and saw one seat left open, Ryder's.

"You can take my seat, I'll pull one up." He said, heading into the kitchen and emerging with a new chair. He placed it right next to my seat and began drinking his beer again. Turns out, they were finished playing Cards Against Humanity. They wanted to play Drunkopoly.

"There are only six game pieces and there are seven of us," Theo began speaking. I counted and he was right, four boys and three girls, one of them being Ryan's girlfriend. "I think two of us need to be in a team." Theo finished.

"I'll be in a team with Rose?" Ryder asked, everyone looked at him weird. "She's the youngest one here and it's a drinking game." Everyone seemed to find his excuse justifiable and looked away. He looked towards me and winked, my face turning bright red.

"Let's get this show on the road." Josh said, ready to play.

We had been playing for an hour and it's safe to say that everyone was drunk. Ryder had been taking my drinks for me at the beginning of the game when we got chance cards and practically every one of them were to have a shot of vodka. After he got drunk I began taking my own drinks.

Ryder's chair had inched closer to mine, considering we were in a team we had to converse. We had just received another chance card and I couldn't help but feel uneasy. It's another shot, I can feel it. Ryder's eyes stared as I picked up the card and began to read it. As soon as I did, a burst of laughter shot out of me.

"What?" Ryder asked.

"You can no longer use consonants in your speech. If you break this rule, take a shot. Good luck." I said, reading directly from the card. Everyone began bursting out with laughter, I looked over to Megan who seemed to be the only unhappy one.

It was safe to say that Ryder and I had lost.

"Right, I'm going to bed." Theo said, having Ryan instantly agree. "You can make it home, right?" He asked Megan and I.

"I can walk them?" Ryder asked, Theo disagreed.

"They'll be fine." With that, he left.

Ryder passed his phone over to me.

"Put your number in and text me when you get back." I nodded and did as he said. As I was passing the phone back, Megan snatched it out of my hand and put her number in there too. Jesus.

I left with Ryder's number, I smiled to myself. I was texting him on my way back to the house, considering the fact that it was three in the morning and dark out, texting to ensure I was safe was justifiable. He instantly replied to my text, making me smile wider.

Megan looked over and saw that we were texting back and forth.

"Why didn't he reply to me?"

I just shrugged and went to the bedroom, falling asleep.

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