le intro

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Y/n was the youngest out of the Woods children. Her older brothers Jeff and Liu were her only friends growing up until Jeff snapped. 

"Hey  Jeff what do you think the neighborhood is gonna be like?" 13 year old y/n asked bored looking out the window, Jeff smiled and replied not long after. "Maybe better than the last."  he chuckled at his sister who was making faces at the cars. Liu on the other hand was busy memorizing the streets and roads. 

"Hey Liu take it." you handed him a candy bar with a smile on your face. Liu grabbed the candy. "Thanks n/n (nickname)." he gently  patted your silky h/c hair. The car ride was fine occasional stops for bathroom and snack breaks were alright along with random singing from you and Jeff.

"hey mom we there yet?" you asked as she rolled her eyes and stared out the window. "Actually yeah, we are." Everyone in the back seat smiled and gave a victory 'hmp'. The house was  nothing out the ordinary but it was two stories and the paint was a deep blue. "Liu since there's the forest I say we explore." you whispered in his ear. He chuckled and agreed. "Alright kids out the car." your dad said pulling up to the drive way. 

You opened the door and stepped out. The cold breeze hit you and you liked it, the forest intrigued you the most as it was miles of trees as far as you could tell. "come on Liu ADVENTURE!" you pointed at the trees and marched forwards. "Liu , Y/n try not to get to far in." Mom said as she retreated into the house. "Y/N WAIT UP!" He laughed running after you running into branches and rocks. "Hurry up Liu." You giggled Running faster than before. 

You continued running until a small shack appeared and you halted. "Y/n why'd you stop?" He laughed until he spotted the small shack too. "Thinking what i'm thinking?"  you smiled and raised a brow."Make a secret clubhouse?" He also raised a brow. "Yup you got it." you laughed making your way to the front. Inside was all broken and falling apart. "Lets get Jeff so he can help us." He nodded and followed you back to the house.

The sun was setting and Liu began to panic and sprint out of the dark creepy woods. "Liu Wait Up!!" You shrieked tripping over a large pointy rock knocking you out cold. The trees swayed harder with the wind, your fingertips turned pale along with your complexion. 

Lui made it back home but Jeff stared at the window awaiting your return. He sighed and pushed himself off the window ledge and swaggered to the living room. "Lui wheres y/n?" Jeff huffed at his older brother. Lui's face cringed as he chocked on his reply. Jeff was pissed at this point.  "I'm going to find her." Jeff stormed into the dark cold night with just a coat and a flash light, he shivered once the breeze hit him. "Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!" He screamed flashing the light everywhere. 

You were still on the floor with a gash on your forehead and not to mention freezing to death. A painful static filled your head. "Child what is your purpose?" The voice said clearly and agonizing. "Hmm I could use you later.'' the voice boomed and snapped you out of the concussion. "j-jeff.'' You  hushed out crawling towards a tree to sit yourself up slightly. Jeff was frustrated and screamed into the night.  "j-je-jeff." You coughed out blood and shivered. "j-jeff." you spoke a little bit louder. Jeff Heard the faint noise and came running to your aid. "Fucking Hell Y/n! You're freezing!" He shakily took off his coat and put it on you. "Fuck you can't move." He carefully Picked you up bridal style and ran to the new house.

Jeff kicked the door open and screamed. "LUI START A HOT BATH QUICKLY!!" Lui jumped from the couch and ran upstairs to start a bath for you. "Hold on y/n you're gonna be fine." Jeff chanted to himself rocking your small pale body. "Jeff baths ready." Lui rushed down the stairs panting. Jeff leaped up the stairs and threw you in the bath clothes and all. "leave her in there to defrost." Lui chuckled and patted his younger brother on the back. 

"Lui you left her to die." Lui turned his to face his brother whom had a plain look of insanity in his pale blue eyes. "You left her there  to DIE!" Jeff threw a vase at the wall frustrated and uptight . He let out a terrifying cackle that made Lui flinch. "Jeff?" You asked still inside the refreshing hot bath wondering why your brother was cackling.

Jeff's eyes widened and simply responded."Yes little sister? What is it?" He glared at his older brother. "help me out of here please." Jeff harshly opened the door startling you at first. "Jesus are you alright you almost froze to death." You gripped his arm tightly and let the now lukewarm water droplets gently roll off the cotton coat. "Alright kid come on we have school tomorrow." He helped you to the f/c room down the hall.

"Y/n I don't want you to go in the woods ever again." He gently in a playful manner slapped you. In a way to   

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