y/n in wonderland p.2

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The red queen quickly tried to pierce my flesh as I dodged her blow. "Jeff after her!" She squealed skipping around the stained checkered floor. "Jeff no! Family doesn't hurt each other remember?" I flinched closing my eyes as he staggered closer.

"I know but orders are orders." He chuckled raising his blade higher than my head. "SMILEY HELP!" I whimpered hearing the sound of bodies colliding and smashing against the wall besides me.

"Tsk." The queen flicked a piece of dried blood off her dagger. "Off with both of your heads then." She said darkly striding over to jeff with a smirk covered in insanity.

"Jeff no!" I screamed tackling the brunette to the ground. "You'll never hurt him as long as I live." We fought over the dagger that was enclosed in her right hand. "Funny I was think of killing you both!" She jabbed my ribs with her sharp elbows.

"Ahh!" I moaned in pain rolling off of her. I gripped my left side as I jerked up rather quickly. "I'm going to kill you rather slow." I crept over to her limping slightly wincing every once a while.

She got up with a large smirk and threw the knife behind her with out looking. Shocked I crept closer seeing the blade launch towards Jeff. "Jeff!!" I sprinted towards him but I wasn't fast enough to stop it from piercing his chest.

His white button up was stained red. "Jeff no!" I held his head keeping the dagger in not wanting to cause further damage. "I'm sorry." He mumbled as his face drained from even more color turning grey.

"Oops." She snickered picking up her dagger back and placing it on my neck. "Now. Off.With. your. Head." She made a dramatic movement by lifting the blade over her head. My advantage as I took out her knees by pushing them both all the way up. "Careful you might bust your knee caps."

She screamed in pain as I dropped a piece of fallen pillar on her knees. "This is gonna be fun." Insanity was at max peak as I ordered smiley to get me a mallet. "Here you go y/n." He smiled as I patted his head."thank you." I cooed as I removed the pillar and swung hard down on her knees.

"Whoops I bust your kneecaps so sorry." She screamed in agony and attempted to crawl but that did nothing but increase the pain. "The fun has just started." I grabbed her ankle and twisted it. "STOP!!please??" I paid close attention to her eyes the one with the clock was dripping what seemed to be oil.

"Sorry you killed my brother not gonna happen." I took the dagger and gently scratched her chest. "Mmm revenge." I chuckled "this is for Helen and Jeff." I shed a tear as I plunged the blade as hard as I could.

After she had dissolved I sat on the blood covered marble and began sobbing that I failed 2 people. "Ready to come back?" A gray figure asked reaching its pointed claws out for me. I sniffed and grabbed the blade holding it close.

"Why?" I croaked throwing the blade at the opposite side. The figure what I assumed he did pondered and continued analyzing me. "Because wonderland isn't that great." It chuckled moving it's dark claws at me, grabbing my neck and hoisting me up. "Besides this is really my kingdom young y/n." It squeezed me tightly, I could feel the sharpness of its claws as it punctured my neck. "Goodbye y/n it was nice meeting you." He growled as I limply stayed in a paralyzed state.

A scream bubbled out as I turned into dust. I was met with a blue lilac surrounding where I was once again floating weightless. "Back to reality now." I sighed as I floated towards a bright hole that held thorns at the entrance. Carefully I attempted to get by, unfortunately a couple of thorns buried themselves in my limbs.

The light grew brighter as I inched towards the blinding light. A shiver ran through my spine as the temperature grew colder and colder. My hand instinctively went to touch the said light which happened to be a mistake. My whole body was sucked into the vortex roughly.

The jagged movement startled me awake. The scenery was different from what I've been through. Completely green and filled with a tint of red my eyes wandered through the room. I carefully sat up wincing at the pain coming from my right side.

"Oh hey you're awake." Ben said coming from the door taking a sip of something. "How long was I out for?" I sighed standing up, legs feeling like giving out. "A month." He sat down and turned in his system.

"Oh." I looked at him and he carried on with his little task. "You should probably eat or something." He said looking at me bored and nonchalant. "Yeah I should." I stated walking out to leave ben to his little game.

Upon leaving, the hallway seemed to be more narrow and darker than usual. I passed door after door til I finally made it to the grand staircase. Taking a few steps my leg decided to give out causing me to tumble down the stairs. "FUCK!!" I screamed clutching my leg in abnormal pain.

I hissed and tried to stand up without support which was pretty difficult. "Here let me help." I heard from behind me. I turned to see that hoe Toby. He came in front of me to pick me up bridal style.

"Where to?" He gently cooed giving my injured leg support. "The kitchen." I hissed as my leg throbbed in pain. "Yes m'am." He said walking to the kitchen whilst still supporting my leg.

He gently placed me on the counter so I was sitting on it. "Listen y/n I'm very sorry for what I did to you." He took one of my hands and gently wrapped his around it. "Toby...I uhh." I was lost for words but decided what he was saying was the truth.

"I forgive you." I said his face filled with shock and excitement, he quickly wrapped his hands around my waist for a hug. I could feel his breath on my neck along with the few tics he delivered. "Thank you so much y/n" he continued hugging me.

"No problem just I'm very hungry." I chuckled as he nodded and took out frozen waffles. "I know you probably don't like them but it's all we have right now." He said placing a few in the toaster.

I had wondered what happened to Toby to make him act this way now. "Toby how was your stay at Offenders?" I asked swaying side to side on the counter. He tensed a little and returned to normal ticking a few times.

"Terrible." Was all he said grabbing a plate from the cabinet. "They tortured me not physically but mentally and it really messed me up." He said pained and scared, I looked at the shell of a man. No not man a boy, a scared boy who was forced to grow up too fast.

"Its okay Rogers." I assured opening both arms for him. "Why are you so nice to me I-I r-raped you?" He ticked looking confused at my actions. I sighed and jumped off instantly regretting doing that. "Because I- I don't like holding grudges." I smiled limping towards him.

"Y/n n-no I'm a m-monster." He said jerking away from my grasp. "We're all monsters here I mean I've killed kids..fucking kids Toby and I regret it." I stated while he scooted away. "I've killed pregnant women and- and parents Toby most kids are orphans because of me!" I panicked all sorts of emotions flooding in.

He noticed this but I was far gone in my emotions to snap out of it. "I even saw my parents die what did I do nothing just watch as my brother mutilated them... I- I killed myself in a way." I sobbed dramatically falling on the floor the pressure landed on my ankle which burned.

Toby was fast to react by pulling me close. "I've seen good people die and I could have prevented it." I continued as he shushed me and rocked back and forth. "Its okay N/n." I let the weight of the universe disperse in waves.

"I should have confessed my feeling before doing what I did and I'm sorry..I-instead I acted like a j-jerk." He stuttered pulling me closer to him.
"T-the truth is t-that I've always envied you f-for being pretty and s-smart." He confessed making feel a little better but not quite happy.

"What's this? Mr. Rogers has a crush on me?" I laughed pulling away from him. My laugh grew louder and harder making the boy very nervous.

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