Chapter 8

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Ashley's pov

I felt someone shaking me awake. I groaned and tried to swat the person away. My head was killing me, and the bright light was too bright. Whoever was waking me needed to turn the lights back off.

"Leave me alone," it hurt my head more too talk

you want this?" someone asked. who was in my room? and who was screaming at me? i realized the party last night, oh my god did I go home with someone last night? i picked my head up and saw that it was julian. thank god. It was only Julian . i sighed.

"what is it" my head pounded.

"advil" Julian screamed. i looked at him weird and held my head. why was he screaming?

"why are you screaming" i said.

"i'm not," he said and chuckled. his voice was so loud and it hurt my head.

"why does my head hurt so much" i asked.

"and why am i at your house?"

"you got drunk" he said. drunk!? i groaned and put the pillow over my head.

"what time is it?" i asked.

"almost 1" he said. one o'clock!? in the afternoon!? oh my god! why did i sleep so late?"

i have to get home" i said and tried to get up. my head was spinning from sitting up so quickly. Julian tried to stop me.

"i already called your mom and told her you were spending the day with me" he said, he was still talking pretty loud. i nodded

"Julian" talk quieter" i said. he chuckled.

"i'm already talking pretty quiet, ash" he said and sat down on the bed.

"drink this; it'll help with your head ache. and take this also" he said and handed me the small pill. god i hate alcohol so much.

"why didn't you stop me" i said.

"stop you from what?" he asked.

"from getting drunk!" i said and swallowed the pill. i washed it down with water and drank about half the bottle. wow, i was thirsty.

"i wasn't with you the entire night Ashley" he said.

"well you should've been" i said. he didn't answer.

"what happened to going together?" i asked.

"you tell me, you were dancing with Jesse for half the night anyway" julian said.

"then when i tried to pull you away from him, you basically told me to deal with it" he said.

"i vaguely remember that" i said and rubbed my head.

"at least you got to dance with sophia" i said and lay back down. Julian didn't answer. he looked, upset.

"what's wrong?" i asked.

"nothing" he said and looked at the ground. there was something obviously wrong, but what?

"i'll let you sleep" Julian muttered. he was leaving? i didn't want to be alone today, not like this.

"Juliannnn?" i asked as he was about to walk out the door. he turned back around.

"could you possibly stay with me for a little while?" i asked.

"sure," he said and sat down next to me. i finally felt the advil start to kick in, and i could finally rest in peace. i felt julian brush some hair out of my face and my eyes opened.

"i thought you were sleeping" he said.

"so you wanted to touch me?" i asked.

"who wouldn't?" he said and smirked. did he really say that? my heart skipped a beat.

"only joking ashhhhh" he said and then put both of his arms behind his head and looked up at the ceiling.

"Julian?" i asked. he looked at me.

"do you like sophia?" i asked. he shrugged and looked back up. was he mad or something?

"why do you care?" he asked. i shrugged.

"are you mad at me?" i asked.

"of course not erin, why would you think i'm mad?" he asked. i shrugged.

"it seems like your mad" i said.

"i'm not, trust me" he said and wrapped an arm around me

"come here" he said and took his other hand from around his head and pulled me towards him.

"why don't you go do something today?" i asked.

"because i'd rather be with you, then go do something with the guys" he said.

"really?" i asked and smiled. he nodded.

"even if we just laid here all day?" i asked. he nodded.

"i'd pick this over anything ash," he said.

"cause i know this makes you happy, and when you're happy, i'm happy" he said and pulled my head to rest on his chest. i draped an arm across his abdomen and sighed.

"just sleep, i'll wake you up later" he said. i nodded and fell back asleep on top of Julian.



A short chapter

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