Chapter 11

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"so they actually fought, in the hallway"arii  said. i nodded. we were back at my house, sitting in my room.

"that's crazy" she said.

"and it was in front of you?" she said. i nodded.

"Julian got the anger that I've never seen him show before" i said.

"He what did he do?" she asked.

"Carlos, sophia's boyfriend, was saying things like 'your girl's hot as fuck' and Julian got super mad and pinned him against the lockers" i said.Arii  raised her eyebrows.

"and then he was the first to throw a punch" i said.

"Julian walked away from the fight without a single scratch, but carlos had a bloody nose and a busted lip" i said.

"oh my god"arii  said.

"he's so physical" she said.

"were you scared?" she asked.

"terrified" i said.

"and after i tried to just walk away from Julian , but he wouldn't. he touched me, and i flinched. i didn't mean to, i just, it was a bad time" i said.

"so now he thinks i'm scared of him" i said.

"are you?" she asked. i shrugged.

"a little" i said.

"Julian doesn't hit girls, you know that" she said.

"he may treat them badly, but he never hits them" she said.

"you shouldn't be scared of him. he was just sticking up for you" she said.

"i know but, it was still scary you know? it sorted of reminded me when...that happened" i said.

"i know" she said.

"but Julian has never done this for other girls" she said.

"he has to like you Ashley . he wouldn't have gotten mad if he didn't" she said. she does have a point.

"Julian told me himself that he likes sophia" i said.

"he was just sticking up for me because i'm his best friend" i said. she shook her head.

"but it goes past being friends, he got mad at that Carlos kid because he was talking about getting in bed with you" she said.

"and julian didn't like the idea of that, so he got mad and hit him" she said.

"thinking of you with someone else made him jealous" she said.

"Arii, julian doesn't­"

"i don't believe that" she said

"he's got to like you"  she said

"it won't make sense if he doesn't" she said.
i didn't answer her, i mean, i guess that makes sense.

"we should get going" she said.

"it's almost 5" i nodded and we walked downstairs.

audrey grabbed her keys and we walked out the door. i got into the passenger seat of her car and she started it. the radio turned on almost blasting my ear drums and i screamed and covered my ears.

"audrey! turn it down!" i shouted. she turned down the radio and laughed.

"you just gave me a heart attack" i said and put my hand over my chest. she laughed and backed out of the driveway.

"why was it even up that loud?" i asked.

"i like to listen to music loud so people can judge me" she said. i laughed and shook my head.

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