8. Ditching + Douchebaggery

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Part 3/3 for this update! Go back to chapter 6 + 7 if you haven't read them yet!

I feel myself wake up from my deep, long-ass sleep. Rolling over in bed, I check my phone to see that it's 6am on Monday morning. It's been a week since Aimee's birthday party, a week since Alexei Solis had glared at me like he wished I'd never been born.

Thankfully, it had been an uneventful and relatively normal week. Jayce hadn't so much as looked in my direction since I had basically told him to leave me alone, followed by his dad being an ass to me.

The normalcy, lack of distraction and attention had been a welcomed, even celebrated, change. Even Presley hadn't brought Jayce up.

I was still unsettled that Alexei seemed to hate me for literally no reason, but I wasn't going to let that give me an excuse to break the heavenly silence between Jayce and I. The less we talked, the more focused I was able to stay on important things.

I'd been able to have a quiet weekend and other than going on a long run and working at 12 year old's slumber party as Cinderella, I'd pretty much stayed curled up in my room, studying, reading and watching Netflix.

Slightly annoyed that I woke up this early, but knowing I won't be able to fall back asleep, I roll out of bed and head to my bathroom.

I quickly wash my face and brush my teeth before heading downstairs to make some coffee and sit on the front porch with my steaming mug to watch the night turn into a periwinkle dawn.

I quickly wash my face and brush my teeth before heading downstairs to make some coffee and sit on the front porch with my steaming mug to watch the night turn into a periwinkle dawn

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My mind drifts as it wakes up with help from the coffee. My mind settles on the events of that night at Jayce's. What the hell had all that been about? Jayce's dad was, as far as I was concerned, a class A prick. I'd never even met the guy before and he had treated me like I'd done something terrible to him.

And then there was Jayce, who had just stood in the kitchen, staring down at his shoes almost the entire time. I had hoped he would've stood up for me in some way, but I quickly let it go, considering that I'm no longer wasting time thinking about that boy. And besides, if I really had wanted someone to stand up for me, I should've done it myself.

Celeste, on the other hand, was something else. She was like a damn angel. She was stunning, graceful, kind, generous... It honestly had made me feel like a million bucks when she said she liked me. I'm usually not one to care about the approval of others, but when that gorgeous woman had complimented me, I wanted to fall over and curl into a ball of happiness.

I may have a slight girl crush on Jayce's mom. Anyway.

Just then, I see a shirtless Haven running up the sidewalk, drenched in sweat. He sprints into the driveway and slows down, bending over at the waist as his diaphragm expands and contacts with his rapid, heavy panting. He stretches downward for a few moments before standing up and wiping his forehead. He sees me and yanks his headphones out of his ears as he walks up the porch steps.

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