Bonus Chapter: Jayce's POV

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If you haven't finished chapter 32 in the story, I'd recommend not reading this yet, as it has some spoilers!

This chapter is the first day of school, from Jayce's perspective... Enjoy! ♥️


Adrenaline truly is irreplaceable. Something to be worshipped.

Feeling the engine roaring beneath me as Goldcrest blurs past and the speedometer climbs is better than any high. Maybe even better than sex.

The wind is deafening in my ears. Mom has always been on me to wear a helmet, but the rush is just too good.

All too soon I'm pulling in the student lot.

This is the fourth and final 'first day of school' I'll ever have in this building. Freshman year, my nerves were out of control. Sophomore and junior year, I was more excited than anything else. I'd gotten the hang of high school by then.

But for some reason, this morning, my stomach doesn't want to settle down. The monotony of school is usually comforting to me. Familiar and secure. The perfect backdrop to cause disruption. Maybe I'm having an early onset of senioritis. I can't put my finger on it, but something just feels different. Maybe it's because this year, I'm different. Or, maybe I'm just hungry.

I probably should've eaten breakfast.

"J! Bro!" Christian Andersen and Deion Brooks are at my side before I even turn my bike off, and I automatically smile at the sight of my friends.

I spent the last month and a half of summer in Paris with my parents, so this is the first time I've seen them in a while.

"We missed the fuck outta you, man," Christian says, giving me the ultimate bro hug as soon as I'm off my bike.

"I missed you guys, too," I admit, pulling Deion in and rubbing my fist on top of his head.

"I didn't think you'd even come back after six weeks with a bunch of European chicks," Deion chuckles as he straightens up. "I'd have stayed over there."

I shrug. They think my summer was full of alcohol and sex and I can't help but smile at how wrong they are. In the past, that's exactly what it would've been. But I'm a new man. Or at least, I'm working on it.

Earlier this summer, I'd been seeing a girl. One day, my niece, Aimee, asked me what game I play with the girl in my room. She said it sounded like we were practicing animal noises, and asked if she could play with us next time. That changed some things for me, very very fast.

I realized that I didn't ever want Aimee to get involved with a guy like me when she grew up. I imagined all the protective fathers, brothers and friends who I'm sure hate my guts.

That was a turning point for me. I wanted to be different. And so far, I've done a hella good job. I haven't been with anyone since.

Christian, Deion and I walk into school, and hundreds of eyes turn to watch us. It gives me an instant confidence boost and the weird feeling I had in my stomach evaporates.

I'm used to being watched. I've spent my life in the spotlight. Sure, my parents aren't super famous like actors or singers or anything, but there's always been a level of fame I've had to deal with. And I can't deny that I fucking love it.

It can definitely be a drag, but overall, the pros outweigh the cons by far. People look at you different and treat you different when you're "somebody." You can get stuff you normally wouldn't, go places and do things you normally can't. Even teachers will bend the rules. It fucking rocks. In the wise words of Cersei Lannister, power is power.

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