Chapter Twelve: Goodbyes

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After about forty-five minutes, Harry and I decided that we'd just get a doggie bag for the rest of the stuff that we'd got. I'm sure when I got home, Jeida would have the most glorious time with what I was brining home. It was nearly five bags full.

"Woah, it's five past" I commented looking at my wristwatch.

"Seriously? C'mon" He got up, grabbing his bags. I did the same, with a bit of difficulty, and followed after him, as he made his way back to the car.

We got in, and almost instantly, the car roared to life. He drove out faster than normal.

"Why the rush?" I said, a bit quietly.

"Oh, uhm...curfew" He said, running a hand through his hair. "Nothing serious."

"Oh, sure. Cool" I said, focusing my attention on the road infront us. It was a bit awkward, considering he was my "boyfriend".

I couldn't take it much longer...

"So, uhm...Dyaln? We're dating?" I said. Sarcasm was an involuntary thing for me okay? It was a defense mechanism that had become part of me these last few years.

He didn't reply as promptly as I'd like.

"Dating? Oh...haha" He chuckled. "Yeah, I guess we are...look if I offended you...I didn't mean to...I just saw the way Kono-whatever her name is was talking to you...and I didn't like it..." He rambled.

"It's fine. I'll probably get popular because I'm supposed "dating" sex on a stick"

Wait what? Crap, did I just say that? Wow, you really outdid yourself this time, Nicki.

"Sex on a stick, huh?" He grinned. "You're pretty much the same, too"

I flushed.

"Thanks" I giggled. WHAT THE HELL WAS WRONG WITH ME? Ugh.

There was a silence. A long one. That's when it hit me. This was probably the last I'd see of Harry. I'm pretty sure the same thing was going through his mind too.

I looked over at him. The muscles in his jaw flexed and relaxed at intervals. He was serious. Horribly sexy, but serious.


How do I tell her? How do I tell her? How do I tell her? That one sentence tumbled around in my head for minutes on end. I just couldn't fighure out what to, or how to put it.

Tonight was more than likely the last I'd see of Nicki. I liked her. I couldn't let that happen. What do I do? What do I do?

"Uhm, Nicki?" I said. I saw her head jerk around to look at me from the corner of my eye


"Mind giving me your phone number?" I said, I hope she didn't sense how nervous I was.

"Uhm. Sure..." I could tell she had smiled slightly. I handed her my phone.

A few seconds later, she gave it back to me.


I liked the way she said my name.


"Promise you won't forget me..."

Did she feel the same way I did? Or did she mean just as friends?

"I promise, Nicki. But, you promise me something..."

She was thinking.

"Sure, what is it?"

"That no matter what happens, I'm still Harry. The guy you met tonight"

I could practically see the confusion on her face. I was just guessing though, because I couldn't look away from the road. 

"Okay..." She said fleetingly. "I promise."

We rode the rest of the way in silence. That's when I realized I didn't know where she lived.

"Where do you live?" I asked her, as we approached a stop light.

"Oh, just a couple blocks from here. Just go down that street, I'll tell you when to stop."

I did just as I was told.

She told me to stop after a couple minutes. I made a mental note of the street and the number of her apartment building. Her apartment number however, was beyond me.

She got out.

She walked rount to my side of the car, which happened to be the side her building was on as well.

"Bye Harry" She waved at me.

"Bye Nicki" I said, doing the same.

She turned and walked to her building. My eyes followed her. As she moved out of sight, I drove off.

I wanted a chance with her.

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