Chapter Eight: Swimming & A Fountain

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<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">.Harry.

Nicki probably didn't realize how much just holding my hand affected me. Firstly, her hands were super soft, and Secondly, I liked her, so of course I got a little tingly.

She wasn't the best runner, so I didn't have to run to keep up with her. Basically I was just walking a tad faster then normal.

Soon, the fountain came into view.

It was a large circular structure, that stretched at least nine feet upwards. The base was made of white carved stone, and filled with water. Rising from the center was a dolphin spraying water from its blowhole. It was a regal looking fountain.

We were standing right infront it when the rain started.

It's weird how I didn't realize that it was overcast, until the moment when the skies decided to grace us with pellets of water. At first, I wanted to run for shelter, but then I realized that Nicki didn't seem to care much about it. Not many girls are like that.

"We made it in time!" She said, looking up at me a happy smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile too, it was infectious. "Making wishes at 3:30 makes them almost guaranteed to come true".

"Well. Isn't that something" I said. I reached into my pocket, fumbling around for loose change.

"You go first" She said, motioning me to the fountain.

"How about we go together?" I offered instead. She seemed to like my idea, and nodded enthusiastically.

"Alright then" She said, after retrieving her coin "1...2...3...."

I pressed my eyes shut, and the coin flew from my hand, into the waters of the fountain. The rain was loud in my ears by then, but I focused on my wish.

'I wish....for some more time with Nicki....I want to see her again'

Strangely, over everything else, I heard the sound of the coin impacting the water.

I opened my eyes.

Nicki's eyes were still closed, her arm still partially extended from tossing the coin in. The rain was pouring harder now, and her hair started to stick to the sides of her face and shoulders. Her sweater was sticking to her body underneath. She was thinner than I thought, yet strangely curvier than I imagined. She was biting her bottom lip, deep in the midst of wishing. It didn't help that water was dripping off her. 

Holy shit.


I squinted my eyes shut.

'I wish for...Harry. Or at least someone like him...wait no...I want him...but only if he wants me...but yeah, I wish for Harry"

I opened my eyes, focusing my attention to Harry. 

There he was ogling me. Like, seriously gawking. I'm not a big fan of too much attention, so I snapped two fingers. The sharp sound brought him back to earth.

" alright?" I asked. He nodded fiercely. Before smiling at me.

"Don't you think we should get out of the rain?" He asked me, raising a hand to his forehead. I'm not even sure what the point of that was, he was already soaked through.

Right through. I don't know how I'd missed all of this earlier.

His t-shirt had started to stick to him. And he was ripped, it was like he was a stretch of never ending awesomeness. His hair had gotten all damp and stringy, but attractive stringy. He swept some to the side with a palm. And water was trickling off him. I questioned my sanity at that point.

Oh wait, he'd asked me a question hadn't he?

"No, I like it" I said, answering his question. "Live a little Harry!" 

"Can I at least put my phone somewhere safe?" He asked, pointing to a information boothe nearby.

I nodded, and gave him my bag to put there as well. I couldn't afford for all my songs to be lost. One does not simply buy them all over again.

He came back soon.

"So, what did you have in m-" He didn't get to finish. I pushed him into the fountain.

It was shallow, perhaps about two feet deep. The bottom was littered with shimmering coins.

Harry was taken by surprise. I stood there laughing, untill he did the unthinkable.

He pulled me in with him.

The water was colder than the rain, yet I enjoyed it. I shrieked as he splashed me.

"Not getting away that easily" He said, before a pair of arms encircled me, bringing me under the water with him.

We played in the water until the rain eased up. We emerged from the fountain, soaking wet.

"Well, that was something" He smiled,walking over to our things, I picked up my bag. 

"It was wasn't it?" I replied. I couldn't lie, I had a heck of a time. Then a problem came to the forefront of my mind. "How are we gonna dry off though?"

He looked as though he was thinking.

"We can turn the heat up in my car?" He asked expectantly.

"That's a good idea!" I said, wrapping my hair up. It was sticking to my neck and it was annoying.

"C'mon, let's go then"</pre>

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