Chapter Five: A Picture To Remember

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<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">I shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't really good at deciding these things.

"We can decide in the car" He offered me a brief smile, before we both got up and walked to his vehicle.

It was a really awkward walk, since nobody mentioned the whole 'incident' a few minutes earlier. I fiddled with the edges of my sweater, scolding myself. Why did you put your head on his shoulder dumbass? Ughh. He probably doesn't even like you. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

We got to his car, and I plopped down on the leather interior. I felt my phone vibrate. I hoped it wasn't another update from Sasha on that ratchet hoe. It wasn't her. It was a text from Jeida.

Fr: Jei

Have you heard of One Direction?

I cocked an eyebrow. Odd timing.

To: Jei

Yeah. They sing that song y'know.

What Makes You Beautiful?

I replied quickly. I was a bit glad for the distraction, I couldn't focus on Harry right now. Too many feels.

My phone vibrated again.

Fr: Jei


Just heard a song on the radio

Its pretty cool

Just don't tell anyone I said so.

I chuckled at her. That was Jeida, always making me laugh. 

To: Jei


You have my word bb :p.

I put my phone away after I read her response. Harry was equally as occupied with his phone. It was a bit odd, that we had the same color 4s, but hey, so did Jeida. Coincidinkly. 


I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I glanced over at Nicki, she was busy with her phone, so I guess it was safe to take a message. It was from Lou.

Fr: Boobear

Where are you?

Got home and the flat is dark.

El is spending the night, btw.

I looked at the message. Of course its dark Louis. I smiled.

To: Boobear

By the pier with Nicki.


Big pimpin ;)

I knew that he was probably rocking his brain as to who this Nicki was. After he replied, I decided I'd make him see her.

Fr: Boobear


Do I know her?

I looked over at Nicki, who was staring out the window. I gently tapped her on the shoulder. She looked at me, and in that fraction of a second I snapped a picture of her.

I sent it to Lou.

"Harry? What was that?" She asked me, a little dazed from the flash.

"I took a picture of you" I grinned at her. She smiled vaguely. "Look, you're really pretty"

I brought up the picture on my phone, and showed it to her. Silently, I prayed that Louis wouldn't reply whilst I was showing it to her. I looked at the picture again.

Pretty was an understatement. Nicki was beautiful. The lights from the street lanterns cast a ray of golden light on her light skin, making it strangely luminous. Her hair had streaks of dull pink closer to the tips, which were evident in this picture. The color of her eyes, a deep hazel, shone in the incandescent light. Her lips were slightly parted, as though they were fractions of a second away from forming a smile. Those lips. Hot lips. Lips that made me a bit unsure of my self-control. This picture was definitely a keeper.

I didn't want this night to end. 

Louis texted back.

Fr: Boobear

Wow she's gorg

And not blond.

Take her Styles.

b4 someone else does.

As if I haven't thought of that Louis. How would it work out? We were leaving for another tour in a few months. A LONG tour. But I couldn't let her just slip away from me so easily.

To: Boobear


We'll talk when I get home xx

I looked back to Nicki who was just observing me. I shot her a cheeky glance.

"What is it?" I asked. I guess it was about time I started driving. I put the car in reverse and backed out of the parking lot.

"Just the fact that you took a picture of me" She said, I could tell she wasn't the most confident person out there when it came to her looks. She was kind of shy and outspoken at the same time. I liked that.

"Nicki. Trust me, you're beautiful, love" I offered her a slight smile as we drove out of the parking lot.

"Thanks" I could tell she had blushed. That must've been the cutest thing ever. I couldn't look over at her though, my eyes were on the road.

"So..." I began "I was thinking...we could go for a walk in the Botanical Garden, and make a wish at the well?"

"Sounds like a plan" She said evenly. </pre>

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