Chapter 2

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I feel like dying. I have the slightest amount of energy to get up for my mid-morning classes. I've been up all night trying to finish my homework so I can actually pass a quiz in Chem1010.

I took Chemistry as a junior in high school and I averaged an A in it believe it or not but then again this real school. High school did nothing to prepare me for this garbage. I'm studying for hours upon hours just so I can remember how to tell if an element is an alkaline metal or not.

I shut off my alarm with a sigh of hatred toward the world around me. I just wanted to sleep but I couldn't afford to miss even 5 minutes of class.

I got up from my bed and walked over to my dresser. I'm sure I seemed half dead and maybe even wounded form the sounds of agony I was producing.

And if you're wondering, no it's not that bad, I'll most likely live to tell the tale. But I just. Want. To. Sleep.

I picked out clothes that didn't take me a whole lot of effort to pull off and started to get undressed. I put a t-shirt and some jean shorts on. It was 8:30 and I had no doubt that it would be as hot as satan's butthole already.

I walked over to the mirror that was on the door. I picked up my brush and started to get the knots out of my long brown hair. I hated my hair, it never made up its mind on what it wanted to look like.

My hair is this dumb form of half straight and half wavy so it always looks like I did a shitty job at straightening it but in reality it's just my dumb ass hair.

I put it up in a shitty looking bun before grabbing my small bag for my notebooks and my room key.

I opened the door and shut it behind me as I walked through the the hall to get to Chem.


I wrote as fast as I could possibly command my hand to move. The professor never seemed to take a breath while he spat vocabulary and notes in our faces.

I made the mistake of looking at the clock to see what time it was. By the time I looked back at the front of the room he was another slide into his power point and I was behind as usual. I would have to go back tonight and write down what I had missed. But I'm grateful that he posts his presentations on Google Classroom, unlike some other teachers I knew.

"I think that's enough information for today. I'll see you all here on Thursday. Class dismissed." He put his hands together and exhaled before going to sit behind his desk.

Every person breathed a sigh of relief before putting their pencils and pens down and either looking like they wanted to off themselves, or they were massaging their hand from writing so much.

I packed my shit and go out of the room as soon as I could I wanted to take a nap. I would study and finish my notes later.

"Hey Jupiter!" I heard his familiar voice behind me. I didn't want to interact with people today, I was too aggravated and grumpy and I really didn't want him to think I was always like that but I guess I could play it off.

I turned around to see Alex quickening his pace to catch up with me.

"Hey Alex." I said trying to not sound so grouchy.

"You came from Chem right?" He asked me as he quickly stopped beside me and then started to walk at a normal pace.

"Yeah" I said with a sigh. "I was just going back to my dorm cause I wanted to get some more sleep." I said hoping that I didn't sound like a lazy bum. I didn't want him to think of me as lazy. I really wasn't this bad usually but I just couldn't help the temptation of a good ass nap.

He scratched that back of his neck nervously. He was so cute and I couldn't help but admire his features.

"Oh, I see. Well I was wondering if you wanted to like, go get a coffee or something later, after your nap maybe?"

I almost stopped in my tracks. I looked up at him surprised. He must be joking. This is a joke. He did not just ask me on a date. Well maybe not a date but he asked me if I wanted to hang out. Oh my god.

"Ugh.. Yeah. Sure, yeah." I said nodding a lot and not doing a very good job of playing cool. Then I remembered something kinda important about his question.

"Just one problem." I said making a small smile pop onto my face because I had just really comprehended what I had just agreed to.

"What's that?" He seemed worried of what I might say.

"I'm not much for coffee." I said smiling up at him.

He seemed to relax at this fact and smiled back at me. "That's okay, we can get anything you'd like."

I started to blush I couldn't believe this was actually happening. I mean what are the odds that he actually likes me too? I'm so happy right now I can't control my face. I knew I was smiling like an idiot.

"I like milkshakes." I said quietly looking at the ground so he didn't notice my cheeks becoming a light red color.

"Okay. I'll meet you at your dorm at 6?" He said happily.

"Yeah okay. I'll see you then." I smiled and nodded to him before we broke paths and I walked the rest of the way to my room.

I have to tell Mikayla, she's gonna freak out when I tell her. I'm so excited to actually have a date.

Well he didn't say it was a date but unless he actually straight up says it's not a date, it's a date.

I was hoping she would be in our room since I don't remember her telling me she had plans today.

I was impatient to get the room unlocked that I dropped my keys trying to get in.

I picked them back up and unlocked the door more calm this time. I opened the door and saw Mikayla on her bed reading over and highlighting notes.

She looked up at me and smiled when she saw who it was.

"Hey how was Chem class?" Her bright pink hair was cut short into a Pixie cut but she pulled it off so well.

"Fine I guess but I have something to tell you." I said trying to keep my composure. Mikayla and I got along really well, she was like my friends from back home. We had the same since of humor and we had a lot in common, but we were different enough so that it wasn't weird.

Her eyes got wide and her face lit up. "Oh tell me, tell me!" She slider her books and stuff to the side to have her full attention on me.

"Alex asked me out on a date." I smiled bright and happy to her.

Her face lit up even more and she clapped her hands in joy for me. "Oh my god Yaaas! What are you guys planing to do?"

"We're going to get milkshakes and he's coming over at 6 to get me." I was so happy I couldn't help but squeal just a little in excitement. I was finally going to go on a date with a guy that actually liked me back. I had been with on dates before but they were all pity parties for me because none of the actually liked me back.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you! What are you going to where?" She said hoping I had already figured that detail out but I couldn't decide on the outfit.

"I don't know yet but I have a few ideas in mind." I said before going over to my dresser and pulling out clothes upon clothes.

Mikayla had gotten up from her bed and joined me to examine what I had in mind.

I was so excited that I forgot that I was even tired in the first place.

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