Chapter 4

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I woke up tired as usual. But this time I woke up happier than normal.

Memories from the night before woke me up instantly. I was already itching to see Alex again. All I could think about was his green eyes shining in the dim light of the sunset.

He was remarkably good looking. His jawline was sharp and he had the most amazing smelling cologne.

I was so fixated on his memories that I forgot I was supposed to be waking up for class. I didn't have a problem getting up from bed, I was so excited to see Alex that I didn't care how tired I was. I just wanted to go and see him.

I put on some clothes suitable for the public and I walked out of the room with my keys and book bag.

I got halfway to my class before I realized I didn't study or finish my notes from yesterday. I mentally face-palmed myself as I walked to class with a newfound feeling of regret.

I regretted not doing it before the date, but I was just so excited about him asking me, I guess you live and learn. It's kinda annoying having to have more responsibility than I used to.

I was awaken from my thoughts when I bumped into something. At first I thought it might be a wall and I started to become super embarrassed and I felt my face get hot. But when I looked in front of me I saw a person standing in my view.

I just ran into someone, great.

Good going me. I thought to myself as I started to become more agitated with my behaviors.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I said feeling utterly ridiculous.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." The person said and I looked up at their face for the first time. At least they were polite about it and didn't yell at me for being so dumb and careless.

It was a guy, he had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was about my height but he was build like a tank. He was very muscular and his chest was huge. I'm surprised I didn't fall down after I bumped into him.

I smiled at him awkwardly and went on my way. I felt so stupid but I forgot about it quietly after I walked away. I started to think about Alex again which took my mind away from the subject.

"Hey Jupiter." A voice called beside me. It was Alex.

I smiled in his direction as he walked towards me.

"Hey Alex."

He had a sort of pep in his step today that I've never seen before. Like he was in a really good mood.

He took my hand and held it in his which I didn't mind. His hand was warm and cozy like a soft blanket, even though it was hot out it was comforting to have physical contact with him.

"How did you sleep?" He asked smiling.

"Good." I replied back. "How bout you?" I looked to see how far we were from the building I was heading to. It wasn't to far from where we were.

"Fine, I felt like I was missing something though." He smirked, I knew he was referring to me being in the same bed as him.

I started to get a little self conscious, was he thinking about trying to have sex with me?

"Oh I see." I played along with him but I felt a little uncomfortable about the thought of him already wanting to try and sleep with me. I went on one date with him he can't expect me to actually just give myself to him already, can he?

But he seemed to drop the subject for now which I was grateful for.

"So did you enjoy our date last night?" He asked me with a plain expression on his face.

"I did. I had a great time." I said before smiling at the ground below my feet.

"Would you like to go on another sometime?" His question made my heart skip a beat.

"Absolutely." I got butterflies in my stomach when I answered.

"Great how about tomorrow night?" He picked the best time. I didn't want to cancel right after he asked me because of school work.

"Sounds good to me." I looked up and I found myself looking into his eyes. They were so pretty to look at.

My eyes trailed down to his lips, they were temping me again but I didn't show my temptation to Alex.

"Well this is my stop." I remarked looking at the building so before I started drooling on myself.

We stopped walking and he pulled my hand that he was holding so I would turn my body towards him.

"See you around Jupiter." He let go of my hand and walked away with the same pep as before.

I loved the way my name rolled off of his tongue. I shivered with the thought of his lips on mine again.

I walked into the building in a daze but I managed to get myself together before walking into class.


I was done with class for the day and Mikayla and I were walking around campus to see what there was to do.

And so far we hadn't found much.

"So did you guys do anything?"

I figured she would asked this question. But I would probably disappoint her with the answer that was true.

"No we didn't do anything, we just kissed." I said smiling but I still felt weird even thinking about the situation.

"You're a classy lady aren't you?" She joked while nudging me with her elbow.

"The classiest." I joked back at her rolling my eyes.

We walked by a group of guys, two of them were brunets and the other two were blondes.

"Hey sweet cheeks, you're looking awful fine." One of the blondes eyed Mikayla as the cat call came out of his mouth.

"Fuck off Jeremy." Mikayla called back to him.

I looked back at the group of guys and Jeremy had a pissed off look in his face but he didn't say anything back to us, he was probably talking shit about us to his friends.

I noticed the other blonde looked familiar, he's the guy I walked into this morning. He didn't seem amused with Jeremy and his comment toward Mikayla.

I looked back facing in front of me. "Who's the other blonde beside Jeremy?" I asked curiously, he seemed interesting to me. He looked like he had something to hide.

"That's Kaidyn. He's in my Advanced Calculus class. He seems kinda odd to me. Why?" Her eye brows folded into a line as she asked me the last part.

"I don't know he just seems weird, like he's trying to hide something."  I wanted to look back at him but I didn't wanna be weird and look stalkerish.

"Well I don't know him that well but he does seem to be a good person." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"You wanna get something to eat?" I asked after I felt my stomach growl.

"Sure I hope you like extra pepperoni." She smiled walking at a faster pace as soon as I gave her the idea of food.

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