Chapter 8

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3rd person

The next morning Bella opened the tent too see Seth staring at her.

"Hi Seth" She said to him. He whined then looked down at Destin's familiar. Bella gave him a sad smile.

"She'll be okay. And she'll be back here soon with you. Hang in there" Bella patted him head

"It's starting"


On the field where the newborns with fight the Cullen's they stood together. Rosalie and Emmett stood close together just as Alice and Jasper did, Esme and Carlisle stood on either ends of there children protectively, as Destin stood in the front, keeping close to her family so no hard would come to them. Suddenly the full army of newborns came running out the trees causing the Cullen's to lanch into action. Going there separate ways yet stays close by. Destin jumped ontop of a male newborns shoulders; yanking off his head before doing a flip in the air and taking off two more heads with her foot. She landed on the ground with a thud but shot back up again to attack more. As the fight got intense and new borns out numbered the Cullens; the wolf pack jumped out behind a rock. Destin used her power to burn on of the new borns hands off of her before tossing him in the upward; allowing Embry to leep in the air, catching the newborn swiftly and tearing him to pieces. Destin smirked at him before the two ran opposite directions. The Cullen's fought toughly and the Jacob showed up. The wolves tore many newborns to shreds. A yelp caught Destin's attention as she saw many newborns cornering and yanking on Leah. This send rage through Destin's body as she ran forward dodging others reach for her; yanking off many newborns body parts in the process. Once she got to the small group surrounding Leah she jumped on the blonde yanking her head off in the process before being a double take as she kicked one head to the ground as she flipped her body in the air pulling another head off before punched her way through the next. There was only one next who was close to sinking his teeth into Leah's furry skin but Destin quickly took hold of him as she kneeled him into the ground; wrapping her hands around his neck.

"Think twice next time you consider touching my Woman" was her final world to the new born before ripping his head to shreds. A howl from in the mountains caught Destin's attention quickly. She knew what this meant, they where in trouble. Destin then took off running upward into the mountains. She jumped onto a new born who was ontop of paul; tearing her apart Destin still headed straight for the motions. Landing with a thud in the snow. She looked around at the camp sight to see Seth passed out on the ground, Riley not standing far from him, Destin hissed at him knowing he's the one who hurt Seth. The the redhead Destin loved but truly hated seeing stood closer toward Bella and Edward then she did her own daughter. Victoria stared at Destin in shock. Her eyes some what sofented

"Destin honey. I had no idea your mates where Wolves. If I would have known, we wouldn't have tried hurt them" Victoria spoke softly to her daughter. Destin's face was hard as she stood over Seth.

"That's a lie. You tried to kill me" Destin spat at her.

"I don't want anyone else rising my daughter besides me!" Victoria yelled at her

"So me being dead would make that so much better for you? You've hurt me more then anyone else ever has before. You had the chance to be my mother, but you left me for Carlisle to find me; take me back to Esme who will always be my mother, not you." Destin growled at her. Victoria took a step closer toward Destin.

"Riley.. lissen to me.Victoria is just using you to distract us. She knows i'll kill you" Edward told the brown haired boy standing only a few feet away from Destin. Riley was hesitating, surprised he'd been addressed.

"In fact she'll be glad she dosent have to deal with you anymore" Edward edged him on. Victoria looked over his way.

"Don't lissen to him Riley. I told you about there mind tricks" Victoria told him in a warm voice. Bella stood behind Edward shakingly, while Destin made sure Seth's heart was still beating. It was.

wildfire (Leah Clearwater, Embry Call, Seth Clearwater) eclipseWhere stories live. Discover now