22 | break-out

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B R E A K - O U T

          Mia was good at rock climbing

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          Mia was good at rock climbing. She was good at any sport in general, but, it was a lot more difficult following the bark of a tree. She's not so light either -- sure, she's small, but entirely made of firm muscle; which was both an advantage and disadvantage when it came to climbing. She was not as swift as Renée, that was for sure. She tried to place her feet accordingly, perfectly, so she didn't fall, and, shit, that took her a fucking while. She was out of breath when she reached the top, the dark window blinking back at her, finally at her eye level.

        At first, she felt frozen. Was she really doing this? But, then she realized there was no time to be overthinking, and she had to make a move now. She balanced herself, the drop below her wasn't intimidating but it wasn't a luxury. She'd break a bone, cause a raucous, blow the plan. It was right at her fingertips -- the roof gutter. Jeffery's room was placed like an attic, right at the top, easy to climb out of and know she'll land on something solid at first. Something to balance on and commence with her trip. Breaking out will be easier than breaking in, surely.

        Climbing a bit higher, she cringed as the leaves began to rattle, golden chunks floating past her head and straight to the ground. She dipped a foot out, wrapping herself around a branch, felt the nothing underneath it and her heart did a flip. Her leg reflexively jumped back to her side, eyes darting to look down. Mia had rock climbed before, but there's no rope around her waist to keep her from falling this time. And she felt the clock ticking, beating in her brain. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

        It's now or never, she thought, and she made the jump, and maybe with too much of a bang. She winced, wondering if Mrs. Dormer heard it downstairs, and she hoped that she thought it might have been a big, fat cat. She could picture Renée trying to catch the woman's attention again, therefore she moved quickly to the window. They were running out of time. 

        Renée wasn't lying when she said that the window was difficult to handle. She tried to pry it open as hard as she could with making as little as possible sound but to no use. Mia started to wonder if it was open in the first place, but it had to be, how else would Renée have had broken in?

        With one last breath, Mia mustered all of her strength and pulled until she heard a creak and felt like she was losing balance. She steadied herself with a low phew and faced the culprit. The window was open, revealing a gap that looked to her like a big, fat grin. It said you got me now! and Mia was frightened to step into the darkness within even with the blistering night around her. It was mysterious and frightening; a treasure box of secrets that she was not sure she was ready to open.

        She pulled the window higher so she could fit through the gap, one foot sinking into the strange, unknown abyss, all the way to her head. Blinking, Mia tried to make out this new fog of darkness, her feet touching the solid hardwood floors as she stood tall. It felt cramped in the room, mainly because she didn't know where to move to, so before making another step, she dished out her mobile, switching on the flashlight installed on it. A streak of brilliant white light flowed from the back of her phone, shining on the dark, carpeted floor, revealing specks of dust floating in the air.

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