
13 1 0

y/n pov

it was a slow day patrolling with my brothers on some backwater planet the chaos element had infested nothing was happening I was so board almost wishing something to attack us anything although I kept these thots to my self it was evident in my mood.

Krieg: look out Xenos!!!!!!

I had instantly regretted my thoughts dam you slanesh


I yeld in an attempt to rally my brothers and I think it was far to effective . the fight was brutal as I swung with my blades while simultanylsy healing my brothers keeping them in the fight as we killed 100 another 200 fell in their place an mere 20 minutes had passed and we had already killed 5,000 of their filth then a giant monster apperd twice the size of a titan and I looked in awe stunned but by the time I started to move Krieg had pushed me in to the portal the chaos had spawned and I felt conscious ness leave my body I relaxed waiting for the end.

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