Crow's Fly Straight

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***Jessica/Ava's POV***

As I laid there in the box for days, wondering when I would finally be free from this hell, I heard shuffling around on the floor above me, probably Carter.

He kidnapped me four years ago, of course his reason was that he wanted to get back at the MC for "screwing him over", I think he just wanted someone to be there for him. He seemed alone. Although he should have not gone as far as kidnapping and beating someone so that they follow him.

After a few months, he started to let me do things outside. Before that he threatened to kill my brother Jax, my old man Happy, and my mom Gemma. That scared me into not leaving. Then he started to think that since I wouldn't leave, I would 'marry' him. He just went to the courthouse after changing my name and decided to just 'marry' us legally. I honestly don't classify it as a marriage because I hated him. I never wanted this to happen to me. I was supposed to be with Happy.

I heard Carter talking to people above where he had installed the box that he had kept me in. I heard him talking to Jax, Happy, Chibs, and Clay but I knew if I were to make noise he would hurt me. So I stayed quiet, a couple of tears slipping as I heard their voices for the first time in years. I wished they knew I was here but knew they couldn't help me. No one can.

I heard them leave 20 minutes later and I heard Carter stomping around which made me know that it was going to be beaten tonight, probably raped as well. I play along because he makes it hurt more if I don't.

Finally the box was opened and Carter was standing above me, looking pissed as hell. He pulled me up and took me out of the box and then hit me in the face, making me hit the floor. I didn't cry out or scream, that always made the beating worse. He kicked me in the stomach and then the ribs. He always made sure he never bruised my boobs or ass, he didn't like it when I had bruises there.

He made sure that I was bleeding and then started screaming at me, he obviously didn't like what Jax and Clay had said to him.

"You stupid little bitch! It's all your fault! They fucking screwed me over again!" I just learned not to say anything about it because he would only complain more about the problems he has with the sons. "They fucking ripped me off! I paid them for the fucking guns I wanted and they won't fucking give them to me!"

He yelled and screamed incoherently after that and then started muttering stuff. He grabbed me by the hair and then started dragging me upstairs. I knew what was going to happen next, but you guys don't need to hear about that so I will skip this.

A few hours later, I laid tied to the bed, whip lashes all over me, bruises covering my body, basically head to toe in hand prints, everything hurt. I watched as he untied me and left me alone to get dressed.

I got dressed and then walked downstairs, I was definitely not expecting company, the sons no less. I covered my face with my hair and looked down. I ignored the stares that I was getting from every son in the room.

"Where da hell did ya get those bruises?" I heard Chibs ask. I shrugged, keeping my head down so that no one would see who I was or the pain in my eyes.

"Jessica! Don't be fucking rude!" Carter snapped at me. "Tell them where you got them." He glared at me, his eyes telling me not to say anything. So I didn't.

"I got into a fight today. I guess he left some marks." I said quietly.

"What was his name?" I shrugged as Clay asked.

"Don't know." I looked over at Carter who nodded for me to go into the kitchen, I complied and went into the kitchen. How does Jax, Clay, and Happy not know who I am? I sighed and looked out the window. Seeing the birds flying around made me wish I was free from this hell.

"Jessica! Come out here!" Carter said, I wasn't even in the kitchen for 2 freaking minutes! I walked out, and that's when the guns were drawn. They pointed them at Carter and I.

"Do as we fucking say and your pretty lady won't get hurt!" Tig said.

"Why the fuck are you doing this?" Carter yelled at Jax and Clay.

"Just business!" Jax said making me shudder.

"Put the guns down!" Happy snapped at Carter as he had the box of AK's in his hands. Carter, obviously being full of himself and a stubborn little bastard, wouldn't put them down. A newer guy grabbed me and put a gun to my head as Jax nodded at him.

"Please let me go!" I asked softly. "He will always choose his life over mine." I was freaking out a bit inside because I didn't want to tell them who I was, not knowing what their reaction would be. I knew that Jax and Happy would flip, Happy might even deny it. I was his old lady but they think I ran off when I didn't.


I laid in bed in my apartment, knowing that Happy would be home late. I heard the door open and I smiled, thinking Happy would be home. My judgement was wrong. A guy came into the house and made me take the money from the 'cookie jar', then took me away with a knife to my throat.

-End of Flashback-

At that time I was working for the Teller-Morrow garage, but that was the last time I had ever shown up.

"Look lady, just be quiet and make this easier on all of us!" Another younger guy said, I noticed that he had a prospect patch on his cut. He had orange-ish hair and he wore jeans and a t-shirt.

"How is you killing me making that easier on anyone? He won't give up the guns, not for me, not for anyone!" I said, knowing how true that was. I soon felt a stinging pain on my cheek and noticed that Jax had his arm raised and tears built up in my eyes.

"Just shut the fuck up already!" I nodded and looked down, keeping my mouth quiet.

"Give us the guns Carter!" I heard Happy's raspy voice cut in. "I promise I won't kill her." He said, cocking the gun and pressing it against my temple. I started to struggle and whimper. How the hell did my life end up so fucked up?

I felt the barrel of the gun push harder against my head and I whimpered in pain. It hurt a lot and I knew they would not stop until they got what they wanted. I noticed that in the corner of my eye, Happy's finger was resting on the trigger.

"I really don't care what you do to her! Kill her if ya want to." Carter said. "This is the last time the Sons Of Anarchy MC will screw me over." I felt the butt of the gun hit me in the back of the head and I passed out.

When I woke up, I was in a bed, I had no idea where I was and my head hurt like a bitch. I groaned a bit and that is when I realized, this room looked like one of the rooms that was in the club house. I wasn't sure why they would bring me here when they don't really have anything to do with me, well the me that everyone knows.

I stood up, realizing what I was wearing. I was wearing a SAMCRO white tee with a pair of basketball shorts and the makeup on my face had been smudged so the bruises could be clearly seen. I looked away after seeing myself in the mirror, I looked completely and utterly awful!

Just as I turned away from the mirror, I heard the door swing open and there stood Happy, Jax, Opie, and Tara.


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