Titanfall: Returns

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The entrance exam was underway as we rushed towards the center of the field.

The goal of this exam was to obtain a core, install it into your team's titan, while the rest of your team

defend held up the defense. The hard part is they're only 2 cores and overall they're 6 teams.

Who ever got the cores first would have to hold off against the remaining 4 teams who too,

are trying to obtain those cores.

As we head towards the center we decided to formulate a plan that went like this:

- John and I were tasked with holding up the defense. While Emily and Amber

focused on the installment on the core, these cores allowed not only for an

energy boost but a power boost allowing our team's titan to dish out the most

damage while at the same time having enough stamina to maintain such


As we reached the center we managed to grab the core, but as we attempted to back away into a

safe zone to start the installation, one of the enemy's titans forcefully ripped off one of our arms.

Our rig received major damage, causing us to be at a major disadvantage.

Not to mention, The pilot receives immense pain where ever they took major damage, so as of

now amber's arm is probably incapacitated at the moment. This makes it harder for us now...

"DAMMIT," screamed Amber as her arm glowed red as a result of the injury. "what are we going to

do now?!! amber cant help me with the instillation with one arm!!" implied, and I knew she was right

we are technically down a member leaving us with 3, that leaves John and I with the defense, and

Emily with the installment.. I hate it this way.. I don't want her taking on tasks by herself, especially

when she doesn't have to... John and I began to prepare the defenses, setting up anti-titan turrets and

loading our weapons with enough fire power to pierce through the titan's bulk.

"Stay here amber it'll be over soon ok! just bear with me for a bit!" Emily told Amber as she

closed the titan's valve. "Ok! I'm installing the core back me up!"-- "Got it! No worries Heheh" replied.

"Geez bro quit chill with the creepy laugh," John remarked. I nodded it off and tried to ignore him, but

it was more of me trying to ignore the fact that I was kind of embarrassed myself~ As a retained my

focus the enemy titans started charging towards us launching a barrage of attacks, in the phase the

remaining 4 teams are willing to work together towards a common goal, which is obtaining a core, in

which they'd usually establish a deal to help the other also retrieve the other core. As the barrage

closer John reached out of his bag and threw a mini disc like device the simultaneously created a large

barrier protecting the team, "NOW!!" John shouted, "LAUNCH THE COUNTER-ATTACK!!" Without

hesitation I activated the anti-titan turrets and started firing along side the turrets with my weapons.

The titans started to slow down and turned their approach into a defensive one. They began to move

forward slowly while maintaining their defensive stance. "SHIT UUUUHHH THIS ISN'T WORKING

GUYS!!" Shouted John, "JUST 2 MORE MINUTES!!!" Replied Emily. At this paste I don't even know if we

could provide her 2 more minutes....unless!! I begin to shuffle around Johns bag and assemble what

seems to be parts of an anti-titan missile!! "HOLY DOINK JOHN WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET

THIS??!" I shouted, "My old man used to run an ammunition company, before it was shut down I

salvaged a few stuff before they got rid of it. I thought it'd be useful so--," "HELL YEAH IT IS" I cut him

off. This is it!! This is what we need to hold them off!! I finish assembling the launcher and I began to

take aim, "steady...steady...NOW!!" I fired the rocket at the titans, the force from the blast blew me

a few feet and flew through our barrier. Unexpectedly, the enemy titan couldn't react fast enough and

took a major hit to the face. "YES GOT EM' !!" I cheered acting as though it was over.

The smoke cleared to reveal a pilot within the titan, he managed to also protect his

teammates who was riding on his back. He looked angry...very angry!!! To the point where it seems as

he muttered, " You're gonna pay you little shit.." from what I read from his lips. He started to charge

viciously using his thrusters to increase his speed. "Uhhhhh Emiillyyyy O_O" I nervously muttered.. The

titan sped up more and more, "5 MORE SECONDS" Emily replied. Those felt like the longest 5 seconds

of my life. The titan was already in front of us rearing to throw a devastating punch, "EMILLYY" I

shouted, and John started to scream a high pitch scream, high enough in frequency to make one's ear

bleed. "GOT IT, AMBER NOW!!," Amber git her teeth and arose from the floor with and angry look on

her face, "common ya' piece of shit!" she exclaimed, as the titan through the punch Amber dodge

moving forward with her thrusters as the punch grazed against her hulk with sparks flying off and she

moved in closer. And with her one Arm she punched the titan right in it's center, " TAKKE THIIIS!!!" She

Shouted as she lifted up the titan with the punch she landed, and slammed it down into the floor,

breaking the ground beneath us with Immense force. "dear mother of god I muttered..." as the dust

cleared, the enemy titan laid there on the floor incapacitated and his team mates knocked out and

injured. "TEAM 3 HAS BEEN ELIMINATED" the announcer shouted. Amber stood up with the coolest

pose I've ever seen in my life, one of a boxer but with that of one arm, and ended with a line straight

out of a movie, "heh, who's next" she smirked.


Developer's Note:

Hey guy's, curiosity here, I hope you enjoyed this chapter representing the return

of the series, I'll be updating it Every Thursday! and to keep up with updates follow me on Instagram:

@dist.jengi! Thanks Again for the support and I hope you enjoy!!! Leave comments letting me know if you like it! ^_^ see you next week!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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