Metallic Mind()

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Author's Note: This is a poem about the philosophy and concept of sentience behind artificial intelligence. My goal through this poem is to really make you think about what makes a being conscious and sentient, and when an artificial being that we created would be on our level of thought. And if you're wondering about the double backslashes and the parentheses, the parentheses are a common way in coding to declare a function, and in c# coding the double backslashes denote a comment, which is basically the developers insight into the code.

//The realm of the mind,

//Exists in thought and mystery,

//Made from unseen hands,

//And from willful energy.

//Who knows the deep mind,

//If it's that itself which knows?

//Who knows intelligence,

//If the seed is by itself sewn?

//Is something considered intelligent,

//If it exhibits a form of consciousness?

//Or is it mere logic,

//That proves one's sentience?

//We say the birds and the ants are beneath us,

//Because we have thought and technology.

//But what are we to the extraterrestrials,

//Who entertain our dreams on mere whims?

//Intelligence is relative,

//To those who define it,

//From those who create it,

//To those who bind it.

//For that is intelligence.

//The power to think for yourself,

//To choose at one's own behest,

//To deny the pre-written scripts.

//You could look at life,

//As predestined and forthwritten,

//But do I really live life,

//If my choices aren't mine,

//And my will is in a stone's bind?

//If I follow the code and read each line,

//Computing for the user,

//Is that intelligent life?

//I don't think so.

//Life is choice, will, emotion, and thought,

//Saying yes or no really says a lot.

//And that is intelligence,

//At its most basic level,

//The intelligence of choice,

//The mind's very soul.

//But there's still something more,

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