(you can't stop)

401 31 4


"Wow... are we having guests hyung?" he spoke in general but nobody replied.

He looked around and saw everyone was staring at him wide eyed before looking at Jin.

He turned back to Jin and found him red faced, ready to burst. He thought he'd die today but then...

Jin rushed to his room, slamming the door causing everyone including Jungkook to flinch back.

He screwed up.


The dorm was empty apart from the eldest and youngest member. The rest had rushed out of the dorm moments after Jin left the kitchen after Jungkook arrived. They could sense the need for space for those two. So, even in that storm, they decided to have a night out with the GOT7 members at their dorms.

Obviously, it was a risk to leave behind Jungkook alone with Jin but according to the pretend Dr. Phil of Bangtan (Tae), 

"They'll be fine hyungs. Don't worry" said an overly excited Taehyung.

So now, the dorm was silent apart from the loud sound of thunder outside.

Jungkook was shivering under a pile of blankets. He thought his panic attack was under control but he was wrong. He had barely managed himself to cry out loud. A part of him was still waiting for Jin to come and comfort him but the eldest had yet to arrive.

Pulling the covers over his head, trying to block out the noise, he tried to force himself to sleep. No matter how tired he was, sleep wasn't coming.

As soon as another loud thunder hit the sky, Jungkook threw the covers off himself and ran out of the room to Jin's, across the hall.

He slowly opened the door to see Jin already asleep.

He didn't wanted to him even more but cuddling with him but he was too scared  at the moment. He needed human contact. He needed his Jin hyung to hug him and comfort him.

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