Chapter 12

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Jallals' POV.

In the morning I intentionally did not go downstairs to eat because I was annoyed and if I should eventually go downstairs I might end up arguing with my parents so I decided against that instead I told the maid to bring my food to my room after eating I called her to take it to the kitchen. While I was busy resting and enjoying my own company when my mum decided to barge into my room I didn't say anything neither did I turn to the side of the door because I know my mum is the only one that can barge into my room like that, people might ask what about your dad well my dad just calls my phone and tells me to come and meet him or he sends one of my siblings. My mum then told me to stand up and get ready for my so-called reception I asked what time it will commence and she said later in the evening but it's only noon I then told her I will get dressed by 3 pm since I know the event might start by 4 pm or 5 pm she looked at me contemplating whether to believe me or not she eventually did and left. When it was 3 pm I started getting ready to leave for the engagement party when my father called telling me to come to his room for a little father and son talk, when I got there we spoke about work, politics and other family-related problems and how to resolve them as we normally do, when I was ready I had to wait for my mum and my sisters to get ready too and when they were ready I drove all of us to the venue I then found out that the venue was separated from the boys and the girls so I went to the men's section and that was how I stayed there till it was time for us to go to the women section to give the bride her engagement ring. When we got to the female section of the hall I just wanted to give her the ring and leave the place I then noticed that the brides' or my wifes' face was covered and I couldn't see her face after giving her the ring and all it was time to snap pictures we stood beside each other even though she removed her veil I didn't even turn to look at her after the whole fake smiling section for me, I left the hall to go home with my sisters.

When I got home I went to my room straight up, I then went to sheer and start packing my clothes because by tomorrow evening my wife and I will have to move back to my house so I decided to pack my things before my mum will enter my room and start shouting and scolding me, as I was packing my sister Sadiyah entered and saw what I was doing and decided to help me while catching up with me and how I was doing generally we normally have brother and sister bonding time but we aren't even sure if we could still do that so we sat down and she helped me in packing by 3 am we were done packing and ready to go to bed but instead we decided to have our early morning snack since I was hungry and I know she will never say no to food. We finished eating and I told her I have to go to my house tomorrow to see the arrangements and everything she said she will accompany me and we decided that by 10 am we will leave because if we head to bed now we will wake up by 5 am for Fajr and go back to sleep till 9 am so we said our Salam and left to our respective rooms. When I woke up by 9:45 am I decided to quickly take my bath and go downstairs to eat my food when I got downstairs I saw my Sadiyah there too eating I smiled at her and greeted my parents and my siblings I then told them that Sadiyah and I will go to my house to see the arrangements they said okay and the rest of them will go to the brides' house for the ceremony I was okay with it so after breakfast we left for my house to arrange my clothes and stuck the kitchen with foodstuff.

Khadijas' POV.

When we got to Kaduna we then went to Zaria and we arrived in the morning by 11:56 am because our driver was busy speeding, when we got home I went to sleep because I was tired as it is I won't have any event until 1:30 and it's my makeup artist that will come by that time so I have to sleep before the engagement ceremony because I'm tired as it is and I told them I wanted a separate hall for both the bride and groom that is boys on I had to also call my driver to bring my boxes and to tell my dad where they're so that the driver will not bring only one and leave the others there because he can do that and tell me sorry later and what can I do nothing. So I was busy sleeping when my sister started shouting that the henna girl was around I checked the time and it was just 12 am I wanted to just cry out my frustration but what could I do I had to smile and stand up to go for my henna after sitting for about an hour that I would have used to sleep I was now hungry I told my cousin to call my mum and help me tell her that I was hungry when my mum came she came to feed me I was so happy and we began talking with my mum about everything and nothing in particular when my henna got dried I went to take my bath and I laid on my bed my mum entered to tell me that the makeup artist was here and she wanted to know if I wasn't to do my makeup now or I would love to sleep first and when they're all done with theirs she can come for the makeup I was so happy so I said yes after like an hour by 2:10 pm my mum woke me up and told me to go and bath and come and sit for my makeup I was busy watching tiktok videos of BTS my love while she was styling my hair and tying my headscarf so i was not as bored as I would have been and I was also jisting with the makeup artist so it was fun a little.

When it was almost 3:30 pm we decide to leave for the hall we went there it was fun and nice I was busy watching everyone and smiling when they announced that the guys are coming to give me my engagement ring so I wore my veil and covered my face when it was time to snap pictures I just raised my scarf so we could snap and I didn't even look at him so when we were done he left I was happy and after a little dancing section in the hall, we then went home because we had to sleep because walima was the next day, I went to the Kitchen straight because I was still hungry I grabbed something to eat and left after which I went to my room to shower pray and sleep. The next day I woke up by 10 am and I went to eat downstairs after which I had to come back to my room to get ready for the Walima I had by 1 pm but I know it might start earlier than that because it's another excuse to spend time with family members and just so I just told the makeup artist to make a casual makeup for me because my face was already feeling weird she did hear I wanted and that was how we were just jisting and playing around until it was time for me to go to my marital house I the evening.


Both my sister-in-law and brother don't even know who they are married to I wanted to tell them both but I don't know how they will react so it scares me I have been praying for them to make everything easy because I know how they might have felt they must have thought that their family betrayed them it must be so hard for them. Throughout the arranging process, I wanted to tell him but I decided to comfort him and to encourage him an I also tried 6to tell him to please take care of the girl because she is also facing her problems he smiled but it didn't reach his eyes I left it that way and went to complete what we were doing we ordered food when we got hungry and finished the work.





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