Chapter 2 be cool!

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I now know I'm not in my bed; nor at Jandi's, I must be on a couch if I'm backstage... Wait backstage?

Then it it hit me! I just saw the SHINee concert yesterday... No it must of been like an hour ago... Then that means..


Stuff the painful migraine! I opened my eyes to see if I was right.

As I opened my eyes quickly, it took sometime for my eyes to adjust but there they were.... All five of them looking at me with worry. My jaw just dropped, I dropped the facecloth. I didn't scream; but oh how much my heart wanted too.

I just stared at them. Jonghyun was kneeling infront of me then Taemin was a few steps back standing behind him. Onew and Minho were leaning on a table across from the room and Key was sitting on a chair next to the couch that I was sitting on.

Key was holding a small bucket of water, he must of been the one washing my head, realising that gave me shivers.

"Hi" Jonghyun said with an innocent giant smile, when I saw his smile a laughed sarcastically and nearly fainted. When I was really about to lean onto the back of the couch, Jonghyun stopped me.

He grabbed my hands and pulled me back up. Taemin then came closer, "Are you okay?" He asked.

I didn't listen to what he said properly because Jonghyun was still holding my hands. I couldn't stop looking at our hands connected. I looked slowly up to Jonghyun who was already staring into my eyes.

I freaked out and pulled my hands away from him.

"Are you okay?" Taemin asked again this time he was closer, he sat down next to me.

I just stared at him. I was so shocked! I just couldn't talk. My mouth was still wide open and by the looks of shocked face, it made Minho and Onew laugh.

This was embarrassing.

"Shh! She's a fan. She is obviously shocked to see us" Key says. I look over to Key and try to calm myself down.

I nodded my head but still having the shocked embarrassing face on.

"Act cool Layna or you will jus embarrass yourself then you already have!" I whisper to myself but Jonghyun heard, seeings well because he is right infront of me.

"Well you first just need to close this mouth" Jonghyun whispered to me, placing his fingers under my chin and closing my mouth.

My eyes shot bigger.

"Aishh! Jonghyun don't make her even more scared than she already is" Key yelled.

Key kicked the back of Jonghyun's back hoping he'd step away but instead he sat next to me on the couch.

I lowered my head and stared at my hands, hoping looking way from the boys would help me talk.

"Uh ss-sorry" I say nervously.

It was silent until I rose my head back up. "Sorry for what? I should be the one who is sorry" Taemin said, I quickly looked over to him. He was smiling, if he's sorry then why would he smiling!?

I look at him confused....

"No no no it's okay." I say quickly to Taemin. I look around to the other boys "I-I don't want to bo-bother you a-all so I think I-I will le-eave" I said stuttering.

I stood up from the couch then my head started to ache. I reached my hand up I rub it but rubbing it made it worse. "Oww" I whisper.

Once again they heard me and Jonghyun and Taemin grabbed each side of me and pulled me back down.

"Please stay until your head gets better! It's the least I can do for you now" Taemin said, I looked at at and he looked so cute. He's hair was all crazy, you could see sweat on his hair line and hadn't changed his stage clothes yet.

He must of been with me this whole time. Well I hope he didn't just leave the concert for me!

I just nodded for my answer, I mean being with SHINee shouldn't hurt.

- - - - -

I has finally calmed down. The boys were quietly chatting amongst each other until Taemin asked me "What is your name?". He was rubbing the face cloth along my forehead, I told him not too but he kept insisting.

"Uhh... It's um-" my nerves started to come back again and I couldn't talk. I felt my cheeks start to blush.

"Haha Taemin you hit her that hard that she has forgotten her name!" Jonghyun said laughing but it wasn't for long because Key kicked Jonghyun's leg and then gave him a glare.

"I haven't forgot, It's Layna" I quickly say but then remember that they probably want to know my full name. "Park Layna". When I said it, it reminded me of the original James Bond quote.

"I'm Bond, James Bond"

Minho then laughed "You said it like James Bond" he said and then mimicked he quote of James Bond, folding his fingers into a shape of a gun.

"Haha yeah that's what I thought after I said it" I said and laughed with him.

Then I suddenly stopped laughing and covered my face making Taemin stop washing my forehead. I was gonna squeal because I was laughing with Minho!! Choi Minho!!!

I calmed myself down before exploding and looked back to them all. They were all staring at me with huge smiles on their faces. I looked at each of them confused.

"What?" I ask then they all started to laugh. I still looked at them confused.

"So cute Layna, too cute too cute" Jonghyun said while patting my head. I covered my face against I wouldn't squeal, he said I'm Cute!

Once I looked back to them again, they started to laugh even louder.

"Stop!!" I yelled making them to shut up.

I decided to ask what happened, why I was here. So I could change the subject.

They all looked to Taemin and waited for him to answer, I also looked to him. He sighed and said...

"Well... We were all dancing to the song 'Ready or Not'. Before it got to the chorus, I took a drink from my water bottle but I spilt some on my hands making them all sweaty and slippery. As we started spinning around in circles.... Well my microphone slipped out of my hand and.." He said slowly.

He took a big breath and bowed his head so I couldn't see his face. "The microphone hit your head and you passed out" he added quietly.

Onew, Minho and Jonghyun all chuckled. I was pretty surprised to the story he just told me. "Oh my god" I said shocked in English and then started to giggle.

Taemin looked back up to me "Don't laugh it's not funny!" He said quickly. "Look you have a lump on your head!" He added worriedly but this just made me laugh even more.

I got hit in the head by a microphone! Ohh wow.

- - - - - -

Silly Taemin!

Thanks for reading my second chapter.

It was long I know sozz.

Anyway leave a comment if you want and please vote!!

Thanks!! 💜

Xx Edited xX

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