Chapter 10 Run with me

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I grabbed my bag and walked upstairs to my bedroom. I placed my bag on my bed and went and took a shower.

After my shower I got into my pjs. I raced to my bed and threw my school bag onto the floor, hearing a loud noise come from my bag. I turned to see that all my stuff fell out.

I quickly dropped to the floor and starting picking up my CDs and paints and.. Minho's box. I took a deep breath because I felt my hands start to shake. I slowly picked up the box and sat down on my bed.

I stared at the box that was in my hands. "Only think of Minho after I open this" I said remembering of what Minho said. This scared me, what was in it? It as big as a shoe box...

I closed my eyes and carefully took off the lid. "Okay 3...2.....1!" I opened my eyes to see what was inside. It was my grey beanie, I picked it up and stared at it confused. "Why only think of him after returning my beanie?" I questioned. I was shrugged and was about to place the beanie back In the box when I saw a piece of paper at the bottom.

I put the beanie to my side and took out the paper.

It had a picture of a boy and girl running and holding hands. I thought it was pretty funny because it looked like it was drawn by a 8 year old.

The piece of paper wasn't only just a picture, it had a quote from one of there songs and a little sentence at the bottom.

"Won't you try?

Just take my hand and with me

I vow to never let you regret... Let's go

Run run run with me

Park Layna,

You have made my life my exciting, next time take my hand and never let go.

-Choi Minho"

I giggled a little, so cheesy.

I now understand why Minho wanted me to only think of him but being with Taemin tonight doesn't help.

What's running through my mind is that Taemin tried to kiss me! Does this mean he might like me? Or maybe Taemin thought it was a heat of a moment or maybe playing around... I did thought kind of have a slight care for him at the moment too...

I know that Minho wants me to only think of us together the other night and yes I did enjoy it but right now I don't want to think of anything!

Two boys in my mind is driving me crazy!

I kept staring at the paper. Does Minho like me too? Or is he being nice?

Right now I am thinking to hard.

With all these confusing thoughts flying around in my mind, I quickly put the paper back in the box and covered my beanie on top. I put the lid on and sat it on my vanity.

I walked to my bed, covering my bed covers over me. I was under all the blankets thinking this would calm my thoughts but I peeked a look through my bed covers and looked at the box.

With it just sitting there, it's tempting me to go crazy! "AHHHH!" I whined and went back under the blankets. I slapped my cheeks continuously.

I sat up and let all the blankets slide down. I picked up my pillow with both hands and shoved it into my face "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed.

I put down the pillow, my eyes were slowly drifting off to the box but I quickly spun around and stared at my picture above my bed. It was a picture of a path with blossom trees on the sides. I sighed and calmed down, letting myself turn back around.

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