Chapter 28 Ten days

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*Laynas pov*
It's been 6 days since SHINee had gone to Japan. I finally got the oxygen tubes off of me. My chest was feeling better. The doctor said that they would let me start walking in two days.
The more I think about SHINee though the more I miss them. The more I want to see them when they come back. But the more I think, the more I realise how much I like Taemin and well.... Taemin.
Yes, my feelings has come to the decision. I like Taemin.
I really think I just found Jonghyun as my bias. As much as forced his feelings onto me... I didn't notice that he wasn't the one. Jonghyun... I don't know... He just seemed, desperate... Show off. Did he REALLY like me too? I just feel bad though... I don't want to break Jonghyuns heart when I tell him that I like Taemin. I mean they all probably saw it coming after that incident... And I remember what Taemin said to Jonghyun 'you have done worse to Layna'. Something is really going on with Jonghyun.
My temptation on sending Taemin a message was high but I didn't want to be seemed as desperate.
- - - -
8 days since SHINee left to Japan. It was late night. Mother was with me helping me walk. Every step brought my legs to struggle. I gripped onto my mums side as I walked.
We didn't do much today. We took a lap and then mum took me back to my room. Tomorrow, I was go walk more.
When I go to Australia, I will have to do a lot of physical activities to strengthen my muscles in my arm and foot. I sighed when I looked at my phone. No messages from Taemin or the others. Even Jandi has been busy with exams she hasn't been able to visit me. I looked at my contacts and one particular contact drew my attention. Taemin .
I really just wanted to send him a message and ask how he is. Tell him a miss him. Tell them all that I will miss them.
I was about to click on his contacts when the door opened. I jumped and dropped my phone back on my bed.
"Time to have dinner and take a shower Layna" nurse Haejoon said holding a tray of food.
I slowly sat up properly and nodded. I glanced to my phone as the food tray was placed infront of me. I'll message him later.
- - - -
10 days since SHINee went to Japan. They would be coming home now. And I'm still stuck in this hospital! My parents said that they have packed a few things but will keep the house we have here for a holiday house.
My doctor said I'm able to leave tomorrow morning. Once I get out, I'm going to my house here and packing a few things to take back. Then off I go. Back to Australia...
I just really hope they don't visit me tonight or tomorrow. I don't want to see them, I'll just cry and then not want to go.
- - - -
*Taemin's pov*
Day 6 and I haven't been able to send a message to Layna. The schedules that we have here are so tight, I don't have time to relax and talk to Layna. Gosh I miss her. Manager Jin said we'd have rest days but they got replaced with practice days. I can't wait to go back to Korea and snuggle up with Layna. Convince her to let me nap on her and she could play with my hair. That thought just gives me fluttering tingles over my body.
We all sat on these seats ready for an interview. The make up artists were just putting on our finishing touches, Key was discussing to Onew about the concert that we have tonight, Jonghyun was flirting with the make up artist that was fixing his make up like of course! And Minho dozing off, while me well... I think we all know I'm thinking about Layna.
She makes me happy and keeps me going at this point. I imagine her just sitting on a chair outside, her beautiful blonde hair that falls over her shoulders, her big blue eyes that look like rare crystals, her pure skin, her lips... My favourite part of her face; they are naturally light baby pink and are so cute and bow shaped, so delicious, the taste of them are like wild berries with a mix of banana milk.
I slowly pouted to the sight in my mind. "What are you doing?" Key chuckled. I realised that I was pouting to the make up artist in a very weird way.
"Lip balm?" I said trying to save myself.
"Oh yes" the lady said surprised. She then slid the lip balm on my lips. It was the taste of berries... It reminds my of Layna. I quickly look at the lip balm as the lady pulled it away from my face.
"What is that called?" I ask. The lady laughed.
"It's berry flavoured lip balm" she answered giggling.
"Where can I get it?" I asked. All the boys stared at me confused except Minho who's asleep. "What?" I asked them all. They quickly looked away like me asking about lip balm isn't a problem.
"Have it" the lady then said putting it up close to me again. I looked to her and cheered.
"Thank you so much!" I chanted as I took it off her. I quickly bowed my head to her. "This gives me nice memories" I say to the lady so I don't sound weird. She giggled and nodded.

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