Chapter 1: A Concert to Remember

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Chapter 1: A Concert To Remember

The line up for the T-shirt signing was so long that I couldn't see my hereos, my idols, my favourite band - Black Veil Brides. I jumped up on my tip-toes, deperate to see one of them. I just wanted to see their faces! I just...

Wait! Was that Jinxx I saw? CC? Ashley Purdy?! Jake Pitts??!! Oh my god! I see Andy! There they all were! Black Veil Brides! I looked down at my hands. They were begining to shake more and more.Oh god, please don't hypervenalate or something, Josephine. This is your one shot to meet your heroes. Don't screw this up.

I looked over at my friend Hanna. She was clutching her BVB T-shirt with all her might. She and I went to this Black Veil Brides concert. Hanna was just as excited as I was, but I have this assumption that Hanna can handle this kind of excitement rolled into nervousness better than I can. Everyone can.

It is the end of June; June 27th to be exact. Summer has just started for us and we are going to a Black Veil Brides concert, finally! We've waited for this moment so long; for them to come here locally and for us to be able to go see them at that time.

The line passed by slowly. Two steps a minute, I guessed. I gripped onto my locket necklace that my father gave me years back. What can I say? It was my good luck charm. I needed it now. I envisioned the blood rushing to my head, the blood washing through my veins.Whatever happens to someone who is battling sheer nervousness to the point of throwing up.

When the line had gotten down to just five more people in front of us, I peeked at those amazing band members, then flicked my eyes back to Hanna and choked out "Are you ready?"

"Ahhh! I'm so nervous."

"Me too, me too." I breathed.I felt like holding her hand or something to calm my nerves.

As we got each step closer to Black Veil Brides, my heart race pounded faster and faster against my chest, making me envision it slamming against my rib cage, craking with every blow.

One more person ahead of us now. There wasn't crowds enclosing us now, so it felt like loose air surrounding me. We were literally so close to them now. I could touch Jake Pitts now if I wanted to jog about three strides to him. That's how close we were!

The person ahead of us went to Jinxx first. The order was Jinxx, CC, Ashley, Jake, and... and... Andy.

When they left Jake, I went next, Hanna right on my tail. I spread my shirt out in front of jake, nervously, hands still shaking like crazy, palms sweaty.

"Hey!" Jake said, smiling. "I like your shirt!"

I looked at my shirt, dumbly. I already knew what one i was wearing. It was the Black Veil Brides one with all of them on it.

"O-oh. Thanks." I smiled with all my teeth, heart fluttering in my chest.

He signed my shirt and passed the shirt to CC.

CC Smiled at me with cheerful eyes.
"How are you doing?"

"Great!" I said triumphantly.

"Did you have a good time?" He asked.

"Yes!! It was amazing!"

"Right on!" Ashley said, giving me the thumbs up, taking my shirt from CC.

"Oop, gotta make this neat for you, now!" He exclaimed.

"Ok, sure." I responded.

"There... You... Go! Have a nice day!" Ashley said.

Then there was Jake Pitts.

"I picked up guitar recently and I just wanted to say that you were the inspiration for me to start playing."

I was getting more confident with talking with them now.

The line went all the way down to Andy. My anxiety raged as we got closer and closer to the end - where Andy was.

When I was at Jinxx, I almost lost my shit when I heard Andy speak to the girl next to me.

"Hey, have fun tonight?" He said.

I heard the girls mumming voice. My heart was pounding in my ears as I looked under my eyelashes And saw Jinxx pass the T-shirt to Andy, and caught a glimpse of Andy's tatooed arm grabbing it. I knew what was coming next. I would get nervous and stumble on my words, making a fool of myself. I took a chance and looked Andy in the eye.

"Hey! I hope you enjoyed the con - "

The next thing I knew, I felt like I was drowning. It was so overwhelming. I felt claustrophobic and I couldn't breathe properly. I heard the voices of nearby concerned bystanders as they decided to grab onto me, surrounding me. IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN!!

I knelt down on the cold concrete floor and gasped for air desperately.

I couldn't concentrate on anything. I only heard voices.

"Whoa God! I've got her!" Andy called. "Eveyone back away! Back away!" He shouted.

Then everything went black, silent, motionless.


Author's note:
Hey guys! My name is Emily! I am the author of this story (obviously) and I am really excited! This is my first Wattpad book. God, it's my first ever book! I made it for your enjoyment.

I assume you came here because you like Andy Biersack and want to read a Fan Fic about him! Well, here's the place! Yay! Now we can fan-girl together, haha!

Anyways, I hope to connect with some people on this website. Tips are welcome for my writing along the way, as long as they're nice:). So if you have any ideas for the story or suggestions, tell me about 'em! I need feedback. Feedback would be nice!

Just thought I'd introduce myself :)

P.S: I know this chapter is really short, but I had to continue where we left off in the NEXT chapter:D


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