Chapter 17: Bryan Stars Interview

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Chapter 17: Bryan Stars Interview


You don't even know how amazing it is to have my girlfriend, Josephine with me in tour. It's wonderful. Having her cuddle with me when I go to sleep every night makes this tour better already. I love sleeping with Josephine. I love doing everything with her. She makes me so happy.

I get so turned on when she lies close to me, though, because then I imagine things. It's bad, I know, but I try to control it.

Today really was a big day. But for more obvious reasons. Tonight we are performing in LA and then I am going to show Josephine around the city. I am so excited for that. It's going to be so much fun to watch her reaction in the crowd and then have some chill time with her afterwards! I am so pumped for that.

Also, I was thinking of doing something as kind of a surprise for Jo at the concert. But I'm not sure yet, so I won't decide until later.

I woke up this morning with my girl's arms wrapped around me and felt her calm breathing against my chest. I love her.

I feel super protective of her. I can't imagine if anything were to happen to her.

(A/N: Foreshadowing maybe?!)

There is so much I want to do with her. But I must be patient with this relationship. Every second I feel on edge, even though it doesn't seem like it. This is why I am debating the surprise at the concert. I wouldn't want to put too much stress on her. I wouldn't want to rush into things too fast.

Jo wriggled around in the sheets and then turned her head to look up at me.

"Good morning, my angel." I greet her.

"Good morning, Andy!" She exclaims, smiling sweetly up at me.

I lean into her and kiss her on the lips. It was a small peck.

"What are we gonna do today until the concert?" She asked me.

"We'll, actually, I have a interview with Bryan Stars today. He's in LA and wants to have a interview with me and the guys. You are welcome to come, babe. I kept it a secret until today. Have you seen his interviews on YouTube before?"

"YES! OMG THIS IS AWESOME! OF COURSE IM GOING YOU FOOL!" She squeals and jumps up only to hit her head on the top of the bunk. She blushed embarrassed-like and I felt bad for her.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah, wow. I am such a klutz! Well, that hurt. Come on, Andy!" She laughed, kissing me on the cheek and exiting the bunk. She changed the topic so swiftly.

Wow, Jo gets over stuff really fast! She's like a guy, almost, but at the same time not like a guy.

I followed her to the kitchen and she turns to greet me.

"Wanna have French toast?!" She asked me.

I nodded my head and she started opening up all the cup boards around, rummaging trough them for what I am assuming was the supplies (obviously).

"Wow. We haven't used that stove... Ever!" I laugh, watching her go as she gets eggs out of the mini fridge nearby.

"That's funny... Why do you have eggs in here if you don't cook?" She asks, looking at me with the cutest confused face I ever saw her make.

"Our tour manager eats them... Raw." I admit.

"That's... Interesting." She flashes me a cute smile and I smile, too. It was a genuine smile that you can feel around your lips. The kind that you just can't control.

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