Chapter 2: My Name is Andy Biersack

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Chapter 2: My Name is Andy Biersack

I opened my eyelids ever so slowly and the first thing I saw was Andy. ANDY. ANDY??
I felt my head pound against the cold cement floor.


I felt a set of arms shaking me lightly.

"Josephine! Wake up Josephine!" I heard Hanna call.

"Wha-what?" I huffed.

"You just had a panic attack and then you fainted. Andy and I tried to wake you up, and you did... For a second. Then you passed out again..."

"What? Really? Oh my god that's so embarrassing!"

"We are backstage now! Can you believe it? Andy is going to hang with us backstage because we never got our shirts signed. You never met him yet. He's so nice! I think the rest of Black Veil Brides are meeting us backstage as well!"

"No way! No way! That's awesome! Wait... So I had a panic attack and then I fainted?"

"Yes. Then you woke up and saw Andy and fainted again... Hahah! It didn't have anything to do with Andy, did it?"

"Probably just trauma or lack of blood flow to the head."

"You're not gonna believe this; We're gonna meet Andy again and see Black Veil Brides again! Don't worry, it looks like you're back to normal now!"

"Yeah, I hope I don't faint again!" I sighed, pushing myself up and sitting on my knees.

I felt okay now. I can't believe we're going to meet all of Black Veil Brides one-on-one! I am especially excited to meet Andy!

After waiting behind the stage on the concrete, watching people babbling about important things huddled in groups, we saw the one and only Andy Biersack approaching us.

Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap.

He took long, graceful strides with his "The Misfits" ripped up muscle shirt and his black super skinny jeans. But seriously, that muscle shirt was barely covering him! His hairstyle was a side-shave with longish hair flipped over on one side of his face.

Locks of hair framed his face. He was wearing his war paint and definitely looked the part for the rockstar he is! This is not real! It can't be! But he stood out like crazy compared to people around, like a light was shining only on him. He looked so defined and real. His cheek bones, the crinkles in his eyes. It all looked so REAL.

And the first thing I wanted to do was run over to him and rip that muscle shirt off and jump in his arms but I refrained from doing so. Because that would be creepy.

He smiled as he was near us. My heart broke into a million pieces at that moment in time.

"Hey guys... what's up? How are you doing?" He asked, deep voice rumbling. He looked at me concerned-like.

His voice was like a shock to me. I've heard it before, but at that moment it was like a loud break in the low-volume buzz around us. It was unbelievable. I can't believe he actually looked concerned for me.

"I feel fine now, but Oh my gosh, that was so..." My head dropped and I looked on the floor hopelessly. I meant to say it was embarrassing, but I am still embarrassed now.

"Hey, hey, it's ok. It's ok." Andy said. He came over to me and tilted my chin up, smiling warmly. My heart was fluttering like a hummingbird.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asked.

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