chapter 19

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Dean wakes up in his bed about five hours later. Castiel is laying beside him still fast asleep, he wraps one of his arms around Cas causing him to smile to himself.

When the angel feels someone touch him he quickly opens his eyes startled, when he realizes it's just Dean he calms down.

"Its ok Cas it's just me, sorry if I scared ya" Dean says with a chuckle as he leans over and kisses Cas’s forehead "I love you"

A smile goes across the angels face "I love you too"  

Dean leans his head over and pushes their lips together then pulls apart slowly "I should go get a shower" he says as he untangles himself from Cas and walks into the bathroom, leaving the angel alone. He quickly strips and gets into the shower.

Castiel can hear the shower start as he lays on Dean's bed. He decides to watch tv while he waits for the man to finish his shower. Cas starts to look for the tv remote when he feels a lump in his pocket.

He pulls out the blue stuffed dog having forgotten about it. He gives up his search for the remote and instead sits on the bed looking at the dog smiling.

"Hey Cas I gotta grab some clothes" Dean says from the bathroom before he walks out with only a towel around his waist.

When the angel looks up and sees Dean a blush covers his face and he quickly looks at the floor.

Dean notices his blushing and starts laughing "it's not like you haven't seen me shirtless before"

"But your complete nude Dean" Cas says still blushing hard.

"I'm not nude, I have a towel" he gestures to it laughing even harder.

Instead of saying anything Cas tries to keep his gaze on the floor.

Dean walks over to his dresser and pulls out a pair of underwear, jeans and a shirt. He drops the towel to the floor and  slips on the underwear and jeans but just lays the shirt on top of the dresser.

He walks over to Cas who is still blushing hard and watching the floor. Dean slowly wraps his arms around Cas's neck.

"Dean what are you doing"

"This is what couples do Cas" he says smiling as he sits on the angels lap.

"Alright" a small smile creeps across his face before Dean presses a kiss to his lips.

They kisses for about five minutes straight hardly stopping for air so they barely notice when the bedroom door starts to open.

"What did I just walk into" Sam who has his hand on the door knob asks, his face a little flushed.

Dean and Cas both look over at Sam neither of them able to say anything.

"Imma just go" Sam says before shutting the door slowly and walking away.

As soon as he is gone Dean is on his feet grabbing his shirt "oh crap" he says over and over as he slips his shirt over his head.

Cas looks at him reassuringly "it's alright Dean"

The man turns around to face the angel "no it is not alright Cas, he knows now" he says more sad than angry.

"We should go talk to him and explain it"

"Oh cause that's going to go well! Hey Sam guess what I have been kissing a angel behind your back" he pauses taking a few deep breaths "but I guess you are right I need explain what he just saw" he says more calmly.

"Do you want me to come to?"

"It's probably best not to"

Cas is a little disappointed but doesn't say anything.

"Wish me luck" Dean says as he walks out of his room slowly taking deep breaths.

When he walks to the main room of the bunker Sam is sitting at the long table on his laptop. "Hey" he says to get his attention.

Sam looks over at his brother "Sorry for walking in on you guys I should of knocked"

Dean just looks at him "wait your not surprised?"

"Not really Dean, I kinda realized something was going on between you to a while ago" he says laughing.

"You did? Also how did you figure it out?!" Dean asks a little surprised himself.

"It really wasn't that hard, you left little clues hear and there but the big one was when you two left right before Valentine's day, I figured you were taking Cas somewhere"

Deans can feel his face heat up but decides to come clean "we went to the grand canyon"

Sam smiles "I'm guessing there was a lot of kissing?" He asks laughing and makes kissing hand gestures with his hands.

"Shut up" Dean says more relieved than angry at his brother "and you don't care that me and Cas are together?"

Sam looks at him surprised "why would I care?" He takes a long pause "I got a crush on a angel too" he says as he blushes hard waiting for his brothers response.

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