The madness continues

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Morgan POV
I couldn't do this with Garret anymore, i was a object to him, he pinned me to the wall, he ripped my shirt and tried pulling my pants down, all I could do was stare, all I could do was shiver, all I could do is wait, wait until someone helps, waiting until I have the guts, waiting until I face Garret and tell him no, it was complicated to tell home stop. All I did was stare at him as he carried to the bed, all I had on was a bra and my thong, he flipped me over and tried taking off my bra. I cried, I screamed, I decided ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH!



Garret slapped me hard which made me shiver more,


He threw me on the floor and spanked me while gripping his hand behind my neck. I cried, and cried until he stopped, he just stared at me with a smirk, I started to feel that I was drowning, I started chocking, I couldn't breath, I was loosing my hearing, I saw Garret standing over me, I could see him trying to slip my thong off, until i took in my last breath and blacked out.

Andrew POV

I started getting worried once Morgan didn't ask me to hang out nor see me. I decided to call her. No response, i got more nervous and went to Shane's house to see if we could hang out, I knocked on the door to hear moaning, I cried of the thought of what Garret could be going to her, I ran inside only to see Shane on the floor crying and with black eyes, I tried talking to him and what I knew was my worst nightmare, coming to life

Andrew: what's wrong Shane?


Andrew: what do you mean by that!?

Shane: so I was outside because Ryland had told me that u had a package outside, a-and Garret popped out and put something on me to manipulate myself, I remember screaming at Garret to get Morgan, an he did, he put something on her neck to brainwash her

Andrew:W-what? This can't be? So she doesn't remember me?

Shane: I'm not sure anymore but I'm a mess

I hear more moaning and I get angry, I burst into Morgan's room to see her having it with Garret.


Morgan: Ahhhhhh

Morgan POV
I wake up from I think a black out I see Garret and god doesn't he look gorgeous, he picks me up asks me some weird questions, it made me think but I didn't what he was talking about

Garret: are you single

Morgan: always have been, always will be!

Garret: Oh my god come here

I feel Garret push me to the wall and kiss me softly, it made me feel a spark, he started kissing my neck which made me moan, I didn't really know Garret, I had just met him today, I was visiting from Colorado, he sure seemed like a funny person ( listen closely, she said she had NEVER MET HIM, and that she was visiting, try and figure out what's wrong with Morgan👌) he then pushed me into the bed and started giving me hickeys, I moaned like crazy, I have never felt like this before, but I felt like, wrong? In a way,

Garret: hmmmm let's get rid of this

Garret had ripped my shirt off, he started kissing my chest and going lower, he took off my bra, he started bitting my boobs which made me crazy. He went lower and lower until he reached my pants, he looked up at me and pulled off my pants, he kissed started kissing my stomach, he tried slipping off my thong,

Morgan: wait!

Garret: yeah?

Morgan m: I don't think so Garret,

Garret: shhhhhh everything is gonna be okay.

Morgan: n-no I don't wa-

Garret had already slipped off my thong, I wasn't ready for this, until I wiggled out of his hands gripping on me.

Morgan: Garret I said I'm not ready for that, plus I just met you

Garret: no your having sex with me!

Morgan: your scaring me, stop

Garret grabbed onto my waist giving me one last glimpse at me, he swung me in a circle and threw me into my closet, I fell to the ground and my neck had pain, I thought I broke something, until i, i, I JUST CHEATED ON MY BOYFRIEND WITH GARRET, I look behind my neck to see broken, glass? I wasn't sure, I cried at the results of my body I see all my hickeys, I know he didn't rape me, I had actual sex with Garret, and I enjoyed it at the time, I didn't think and got new clothes from my closet, I took a deep breath and ran outside of the closet, what I saw was terrifying

Andrew: Morgan?

Morgan: NO, no no no it's not what it looks like Andrew I swear!

Garrett: what Andrew are you sad? Well guess what MORGAN LOVES ME NOT YOU

Andrew: I can see that clearly now, I should've never believed Shane,

I see Andrew walk out, I run out with him chasing him, I grab him and look into his eyes that were blood shot red

Morgan: it's not what it looks like Andrew h- he manipulated me and Shane a-and

Andrew: prove it, PROVE IT IF YOU LOVE ME!

Morgan: look see this blue light, it was on my neck, a-and the black eyes from Shane were from the chip I guess that was on our necks, WHY CANT YOU BELIEVE ME


Andrew POV
I run inside to see Garret's hands in his hair, I see him in his phone, I slap his phone out of his hand and look at his phone, surprisingly, he didn't stop me I saw the texts from Ryland I saw the whole plan in those texts, my heart melted, this was HIS fault, I stared into his eyes in disgust


I punch Garret and keep punching him until my hand started hurting, I cried in the living room, to find Ryland standing in the middle of the living room, with a knife pointed at Morgan

To be continued

THIS one was long but for a reading I don't think I'm gonna post tomorrow because my cousin that I haven't see in a long time is coming tomorrow so I'm sorry but anyways I hope you enjoyed this, I haven't been feeling myself at all, I have been feeling depressed due to body issues, and i might take a one day break, I hope you understand now without all the sappy stuff, TANIA IS OUTTTTTTTTTTT ✌️

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