It's to early to say goodbye

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Morgan POV
I stare in fear at Ryland as he points a knife at me, I shed a tear once I see Ryland walk up to me with knife still pointed at me, i get my last glimpse at Andrew, he tried walking up to me, but the closer he got to me, the closer Ryland pointed the knife at me, Andrew with no hesitation runs up to Ryland, he pushes him to the ground trying to stop him.


In a blink I see Andrew on the floor bleeding, I see the knife being taken out of Andrew's chest, Ryland takes one last glimpse of me, I get worried thinking I'm never gonna see Andrew, or Shane, I wonder were he is.

Ryland: YOUR DEAD!!!


I'm a few seconds I see Shane pop out of nowhere, he jumps informe of me taking the knife to his shoulder almost hitting me, he drops to the floor smiling at me

Morgan: Shane! no, you can't die, please!

Shane: Morgan you deserve to live, with or without me, I called the police to let them know that they have Ryland covered, now go, Andrew needs you

I get a last glimpse at Shane before he closes his eyes, I cry once I see Andrew and Shane lifeless on the ground, I looked up at to not see anyone with me, not even Ryland. I get my phone and dial the emergency room, I walk to Andrew, kissing him trying not to cry that this might be my final goodbye to my boyfriend.

Morgan: Andrew, please don't leave me!

Andrew: I... I don't think I'm gonna make it

Morgan: baby it's okay there almost here

Andrew: be safe, I love you

I cry to the point where I bawled in waterfalls, I turn around to see Garret standing behind me,

Morgan: why are you here?

Garret: I'm.... sorry for what i caused, can you forgive me?


Garret: well..... no actually

Morgan: I have to go I need to take my BOYFRIEND and my FRIEND THAT NEVER DOES ANYTHING TO ME to the hospital

I feel him grab my hand but I slap him and go outside to where the police cars are and the ambulances. I see my friend Trinity standing there looking at me. I run up to her and hug her tightly, not letting go, she looked at me with sadness,

Trinity: I'm sorry I ignored you this whole time

Morgan: it's okay, your here now.

The ambulances are leaving, I decided to go with trinity in a separate car, because there wasn't enough space. As we are going to the hospital I look out the window looking at the world thinking to myself, why is my life like this, all I want is for it to be normal. Can't someone up there give me that? We arrive to see Shane and Andrew in the same room, I look at there x- rays and I'm not gonna lie, Andrews didn't look like he could make it, I saw Shane waking up, I give h a hug and look at Andrew, he hasn't opened his eyes since he was at the house, I look at trinity leaving the room with the doctor, she comes back in with a very sad look,

Trinity: um, Morgan I have to talk to you, outside.... it's about Andrew

Morgan: oh is he okay? He's gonna be okay right? Oh yeah he has to be okay.

We walk outside with me just asking questions, I didn't get the answer that I wanted, I got the answer that no one wants ever.

Trinity: I'm sorry Morgan, we have bad news

Doctor. So I don't know how to tell you but, Andrew isn't gonna make it

Morgan: wait... no he has to live? Why would you prank me like this, TRINITY STOP LYING!

Trinity: Morgan I'm so sorry,

I fall into Trinity's arms crying waterfalls, this was my last goodbye to my love, my almost future husband, my companion was leaving me for good.

Doctor: we have to take off life support on him, due to his bones broken, now we aren't going to put him in the room where they stay there and let his body go, we are going to try out best to pulse him back, but for now. He's gone

Morgan: OH GOD NO

I fall to the floor crying so hard, my heart hurts so much, without Andrew I'm no one, without someone who hugs me and kisses me, I'm no one, I walk up to Andrew and say my final words

Morgan: I'm so sorry Andrew you got I to this toxic relationship, I should've broken up with you to let you live your life, the way your supposed to, I love you to much to let you go, but I'm gonna have to love on, but for now, I can't

Doctor: Morgan I'm sorry but you must go, we are almost closing

Morgan: oh okay then

I kiss Andrew on his forehead, I leave without Shane, he had to stay there recover, me and trinity are speechless, trinity left to her house, I was depressed that my companion was gone, I have to move on, or try to move on, I cry more until I get a text from Garret,

Garret: I'm sorry, I heard the news about Andrew

Morgan: what do you want? You got what you wanted, you wanted Andrew gone so just leave me alone.

Garret: I can't I'm sorry

I turn off my phone and cry much more, this time I was more depressed then ever, thinking the good old times with Andrew, my heart hurt so much, I hear the door bell, I open it what makes my heart stopped

To be continued

This was emotional and long, I know your wondering, WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU? I do go through depressing times, from my past and stuff but I need to start thinking positive with my family, so I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, school for me is in 11 Days 😭😑 anyways sorry for the gap either way I hoped you enjoyed this TANIA IS OUTTTTTTTTTTT OF DAYS TO RELAX 😑😭

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