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Morgan POV
I open the door to see Garret in front of the door, without hesitation I try and close the door but he obviously barged in the house, before I could even close it, i was confused and so emotional that i didn't care if he was here, I needed someone to cheer me up.

Garret: Morgan can we talk?

Morgan: well your already here so we might as well talk

Garret: so I went to the hospital to check on them, Shane has to stay for another day because of his injuries, but it wasn't good for Andrew, he has a big chance of not making it

Morgan: so this is what you wanted to tell me?

Garret: well yes and-

Morgan: was that supposed to cheer me up?

Garret: well no, It wasn't

Morgan: than why are you here for more bad news? You know what I should go back to Colorado, to take my king off of Andrew and YOU

Garret: please don't I didn't mean to.

Garret grabs my hand and twirls me to the couch, he stares into me which made me angrier, I wanted him to leave, but he wouldn't leave

Morgan: can you leave, please just go

Garret: well I was wondering if we could hang out

Morgan: you know I wouldn't normally hand out with people that have hurt me so much, but I'm so lonely and desperate to feel good that I don't care

Garret: cool, so what do you want to do?

Morgan: ice cream??

Garret: sure

We went to the ice cream shop, but Garret was so funny, I haven't hanged out with him like this in so long, we started finishing up and running home. We got there laughing and out of breath, Garret wanted drinks, so he brought some alcohol, I knew I can't drink, but he still gave me drinks, (don't tell anyone) after drinking I was getting tipsy, I decided I had to lie down, you know I'm clumsy so I had to fall right into Garret's hands, all I did was stare into his blue eyes; they were like Andrews but..... not te same, I felt my eyes watering down,

Morgan: I miss Andrew

Garret; me too, I miss him

Morgan: we should go to b-

Out of nowhere I stand straight and fall to the ground face first.

Garret POV
Morgan fell to the ground, I got serious and carried her to her bed, I gave her blankets and took a last glimpse at her and left back to my house.

Shane POV
I was getting nervous that something happened to Morgan, tomorrow I leave, and tomorrow is the day where Ryland takes trial for the second degree murder or Andrew, I cried so many times just staring into Andrews eyes. I had to get over that Andrew is gone, and my boyfriend was a killer, but Garret had to take one two due to how many times he has sexually assaulted and raped Morgan,

*The next day*

Shane POV
So today is the day..... my boyfriend will be going to prison, probably for life, Andrews parents don't know that there son is gone forever, I have to man up and tell them the truth


Shane: hey I have to tell you guys something important

Andrews mom: OH did Andrew purpose to Morgan?

Shane: no, it's more serious than that

Andrews mom: oh then what is it?

Shane: I'm so sorry I have to tell you this but, *cries* Andrew was in an accident and he's gone, he was stabbed to death

Andrews mom: no, h-he can't be

Shane: I'm so sorry I tried to protect him I should've known, I'm sorry

I start bawling in tears thinking I have to tell her the truth of what happened, later to try and tell her she hung up, I called several times and no answer, I called Andrews dad, no answer it was time to go with Morgan to the court room.

*Court room*

Morgan: I look at Garret and Ryland, Ryland tried giving me a hug but i backed away to Shane, I saw Garret going with his lawyer and Ryland with his, I saw my mom standing there looking at me, I ran to her arms and gave her the biggest hug, she let go and didn't even acknowledge Ryland. It's time to face my fears and go to that court room.

Shane: you ready Morgan?

Morgan: I think so

Morgan's mom: I'm here for you two and no matter what happens, im here

We take the last look at each other and head inside

Morgan's lawyer: so as you know it Ryland did the worst crime ever, he decided to take Morgan Adams boyfriend Andrew Siwicki's life due to jealousy, and you think he should be let go into the world like a human, WRONG, and I think everyone can agree, right?

Everyone: right

Morgan's lawyer: no further questions your honor

Rylands lawyer: so what he killed a boy, there are people killing every day with no rules, with no time to serve in court, so why should he do time? Agreed?

Half of the court: yes

Half of the court: absolutely not

Your honor, he was getting obviously no attention from the family or front the sister

Morgan: THATS A FUCKING LIE, he always gets the attention

Morgan's lawyer: your honor is this really necessary, I mean we have evidence with him having much more attention,

Honor: withdrawn

Rylands lawyer: no further questions your honor

*An hour later talking and having breaks*

Honor: everyone rise, do we find the defendant guilty, for second degree murder?

Person: we find Ryland Adams-

To be continued

Hope you guys enjoyed this I know your thinking gone again Tania? Yes I'm sorry today I had to go to my school and put my supplies to my locker and get my locker, so yeah TANIA IS OUTTTTTTT OF SUMMER PLANS 😑😭✌️

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