(Barnaby Lee x Reader Smut) Valentine's Treat

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On your way to class this morning, you saw many girls and boys were stopped and given either flowers, singing cards, or chocolates. You, however, received nothing, but you didn't panic yet, because you were hoping the minute you saw Barnaby, your longtime crush, he would give you something as a token of his feelings for you.

"Hello, (y/n)!" a small voice said as you entered the Charms classroom.

"Hello, Rowan," you smile at her, taking a seat beside her.

"Has anyone.. special asked you yet?" She said with a smirk.

"Not yet.. I haven't even seen--" you froze as you saw Barnaby enter the room.

His eyes immediately found yours and he waved, sitting on the side of you opposite Rowan.

"(Y/n)," he smiled at you.

"Barnaby," you returned the smile and pulled out your wand.

"I've got an important question for you," he said.

"Yes?" your heart started to race as you stared into his emerald eyes.

"Uhm.. what charm are we learning today? I don't remember what page we were on.." he had a confused look on his face as he flipped through pages.

"Oh.. uh.. just.. here.." you mumbled and turned his book to the correct page.


Although this had upset you a little, you continued charm class cheerfully. Not all hope was lost, you knew your name was very well known and you must have an admirer somewhere.. right?

When class was over, you left with Barnaby, since the next class you also had with him.

"So.. Barnaby.. who's your valentine?"


"Yeah. Its Valentines day! Did you forget?"

".......no.." he mumbled, still thinking.

"Then who is your Valentine, you big oaf?" you laughed softly and turned to him.

"How... do I get a Valentine?"

"Well, you can either ask someone or get asked.. but usually girls get asked."

"..." he stared for a while before answering,"so I can't have one?"

You sighed softly, "You can! Okay.. Barnaby, if you could chose anyone to be your Valentine date, who would you chose?"

You watched his lips move as he replayed your words in his head, then he mumbled.

"Hmm? I didn't catch that.." you said.

"You," he continued walking.

A dark blush covered your face and you quickly walked to catch up to him.

"W-what?" You asked as you heard Barnaby digging in his pockets.

"Be my Valentine, (Y/N)!" He shouted as he pulled out a bag of your favorite candy.

"Okay!" You smiled.

"I was going to give these to you today, when we have time in the library.. but I didn't know it was a holiday.." he mumbled, smiling at you, "you'll have to remind me about the next one.."

"I will.."

"Also you said Valentine date? We have to go on a date," he smiled at you.

"Okay.. how about we go to the top of the Astronomy tower, tonight?"

He agreed.

A few hours later, you noticed your heart was pounding again, but this time it was for a different reason. You had trouble chosing an outfit to wear, but you settled on a soft sweater and a tight-fitting skirt boasting your house colors.

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