(Merula Snyde x Reader Smut) Feel Better

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Requested by @Xx_Multifandoms_xX

Two Slytherins, at midnight, sneak out of their dormitory and into the Hospital Wing.

"She's in here," you wake up to a voice ending with a hiss,"There's no way they'd let her out this soon.."

Another voice echoes around the room, but this one is louder, "Go away, Ismelda," it said. "(L/n) won't want to see you right now."

"She won't want to see you, either, Merula!" the first voice replied.

"Whatever! Just go, before you get in trouble!" the second voice yells back.

When you open your eyes, you realize it's nearly pitch black in the room. The only source of light is an illuminated tip of a wand and it's rapidly moving towards you. You try to feel around your waist for your wand, but you groan at the pain. 

"What the hell.." you grumble.

"Yeah, that's what I'm wondering, (L/n). What the fuck were you thinking?" You hear a whisper and suddenly the candles surrounding your bed are all aflame. Now, you can clearly see where the voice was coming from.

"What's going on..?" you ask, a bit frightened. You grab a cup beside you and take a large sip. The liquid inside eases the pain in your throat.

"You don't remember? You psychopath, you went into the Forbidden Forest--ALONE--and you got attacked, fuck--" Merula stops, remembering the sight of you, covered in blood, both yours and from another creature. "You're so stupid and selfish, I bloody hate you, you know!"

You're a bit embarrassed, knowing you made such a rookie mistake, but you really can't remember any of this, so you can't defend yourself.

"Promise me you'll never do that shit again!" The messy-haired girl held her wand to your neck, glaring daggers at you.

"I-I promise.." you mumble.

"Do you have any idea how hard it was!? I thought you were dead, (l/n)! You can't keep risking your life like that. I can't open the vaults without you. I can't. I can't do anything without you, (l/n).." She blurts out, sitting on the side of your bed, making you cringe in pain.  She takes a deep breath. "How bad are you doing, anyways?"

"Everything hurts, except my feet, I can't feel those," you say softly. She smiles and you glare at her. "It's not funny, you sadist."

"I'm not smiling because I'm glad you're hurting! I'm smiling because I'm glad you're alive, idiot!"

"Alright then.." you say. "Why're you here? You could get in trouble if you get caught.." you mumble.

"Because I wanted to see you, I don't care who knows," Merula gulps. The both of you had been dating, in secret, for about four months now. No one knew, and that's how things had to be. Nothing more than rivals. Enemies. Protagonist and Antagonist.

"That's a big statement.." you say and lock eyes with her. You smile, watching the candle's reflection bend inside of her pink irises.

"(L/n)? Are you okay?"


"No, really, you never look at me that way," she glares.

"Because you're really fucking pretty in the candle light," you grumble.

"Oh.." she looks away. "Maybe this would be romantic if you hadn't nearly died earl--" she says, turning back towards you, but when she does, your lips meet hers and lock her into a long kiss.

"What the bloody hell was that for!?" Merula growls.

"Because you're my girlfriend," you cross your arms and groan. "And this tea is really getting me in the mood!" you point to the cup on your nightstand.

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