(Charlie Weasley x Reader) Animagus Quest

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You froze, looking into the crowd of students behind you.

"(Y/n)!! Why have you been avoiding me?" A familiar freckled face came into sight and you frowned.

"Charlie.. I haven't been avoiding you, I promise! I've just been... busy."

"Oh yeah? You always find time to talk to me, what's so important now?"

"Well.." you muttered, "it's a bit of a suprise.. I've got to go.." you quickly became lost back in the crowd and a puddle of guilt formed in your stomach.

About a week later, you were sitting in the courtyard with one of your newest friends, Talbott, along with one of your first friends, Penny.

"Talbott, is an Animagus's eyesight consistent in both forms?" Penny asked.

He opened his mouth to speak, but Penny rephrased her question. "If you had to wear glasses, would your eyesight be bad when you were a hawk, too?"

He shrugged.

"Well, Rita Skeeter has glasses and she didn't seem to have a problem with her eyes as a beetle.." you mumbled.

Penny laughed, "She doesn't need eyes to do her job, just ears and a tendency to lie"

You laughed as well, only earning a smile from Talbott.

"(Y/N)... hey!" Your boyfriend, Charlie, smiled and sat down beside you.

Penny and Talbott went quiet, knowing you didn't want Charlie to know what you were talking about.

You were silent too, so you just smiled back at him.

"Oh.. sorry.. did I interrupt something?" He said and rubbed the back of his head.

"No.." you said in a suspicious tone.

"Yes," a stern yet quiet response came from Talbott.

"No-NO!" you shot a glare at Talbott, who was staring at the clouds, oblivious to the fact he probably just upset Charlie.

"Well, if you're busy, I can go, I should probably get to Quidditch practice.." Charlie kissed the top of your head and left before you could tell him goodbye.

The next time you saw him, he wasn't as happy as you were used to seeing him.

"Charlie! I missed you!"

He smiled at you, but you knew it was only half-genuine.

"I missed you too, but I have a question.." his tone made your heart start to race.

You nodded.

"I miss you, I really do, but you never make any attempt to be around me anymore.. but you make time for Penny and Talbott? Who even is he?" He sighed. "What have you been doing? Where are we going?"

You were going to respond with "Charms class" but something told you he was talking about your relationship. Staying silent, your eyes shot to the ground and you just shrugged.

He nodded, saying "You could've told me this was how you felt.."

"No-no-no!! I don't feel that way I've just.. had a lot.."

"I'm done with excuses, I can't be with someone who isn't honest with me.." he turned and started to walk away before you could manage any eye contact.

"Charlie!! Come back! I would've tried to tell you but you wouldn't have believed me!"

"Yeah, because I never trust you, huh? I never help you on your unbelievable quests, either! Anything you say I'd obviously doubt!" His face flushed to the color of his maroon sweater as he turned to look back at you.

"Okay.. maybe that was a dumb thing to say.. but it is weird! I can't talk about it!" you said, glancing at the students passing the both of you.

"Why can't you just be honest with me?" He let out a whimper that made a huge pang of guilt hit you. You knew you should've told him about this, he would've even loved to help you out with it.

You let out a soft sigh.

"Meet me at midnight at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.. I'll explain-er.. show you what's been taking up so much of my time.."

"I'm done playing games.." he shook his head and continued walking to the classroom.

This left you a bit shaken inside. You knew this was all your fault. If only you had told him about wanting to become an animagus sooner, you'd probably happily be playing gobstones with him right now.

The day melted by slowly, each hour feeling like it contained an extra sixty minutes a piece. You stayed with Hagrid until it was dark, who urged you to get back to the castle.

Of course, you disobeyed him and made your way into the moonlit forest. You had been out here many times with Charlie, he knew it like he knew the back of his hand. If he didn't show, you just might get lost out here. Up until this point, you hadn't been scared. You knew a fair amount of dueling spells, so you could defend yourself, but you started to worry about something out of your control. What if Charlie didn't show? What if he was upset with you?

Around midnight, you transformed into your animagus form and waited by a large tree, looking out for any other creatures. You wanted to be careful that no one saw you wandering out here as a student.

"Hello little buddy.." a loving voice came from behind the tree and you froze. Even though you were now an animal, clearly, your senses hadn't improved any. Turning your scaly head slowly, you saw the boy you had been hoping to see.

You stood, stretching your wings.

He took a step back, a look of excitement covering his face.

Not wanting to scare him by any odd movements, since you didn't know much about dragon behaviors, you returned to your human form, falling on your butt with a loud thud.

"Ouch.." you groaned and slowly stood.

"You were becoming an animagus?!" He gasped.

You nodded, "I was gonna tell you.. but Talbott insisted I keep it to myself until I decide to let the ministry.. or my friends.. know."

"Why does he have a say?" Charlie huffed.

"He's been an animagus much longer than me.." you smiled.

"But..." he shook his head, "That's amazing! You can turn into a dragon! Not very discreet, but.. " his excited look returned and he could hardly stay still.

"I know you love dragons! It's why I wanted to show you before I told you! I thought I'd be a cat or a bunny or something.." you laughed softly.

"You've got a heart of fire and you're dangerous. Definitely dragon," he laughed and pulled you into a hug.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.. I was stupid.." you mumbled.

"It's okay, I guess, it was a really great suprise.." he smiled at you.

"Yep! It was even worth having a mandrake leaf in my mouth for a whole month!"

"That explains why all your kisses tasted like you had eaten grass.." he mumbled to himself, earning a laugh from you.

The two of you spent another hour in the forest, laughing about some dragon jokes and a few puns he'd say whenever you'd transform.

Needless to say, Charlie definitely loved you after this.

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