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the next day
“THE FUCK!!!!!!” I yelled when everything sank in,” You mean to tell me we have three furries in this damn place? One is enough, two is tolerable. Three? That’s just too much!!”
“Not my problem,” Amy shrugged.
“Well it is your problem that you attacked your so called friends!” I snapped.
Amy’s face dropped,” I didn’t-”
“It doesn’t matter that you didn’t mean it! It matters what you did!”
Tears formed in her eyes,” If that’s how you feel,” and she left the room her head bowed in depression.
Jimin glared at me,” What?”
“What? Are you really asking me that? Do you really want to go there Yoongi? Can you not see what you have done!?” He was practically yelling in my face.
“What? What the hell did I do that was sooo bad huh?” I shot back.
“You know goddamn well it’s hard to control a wolf! You know that very damn well and you just put her down for it! Why in the name of God and all things holy would you do that? By insulting her, you insulted me and the rest of the damn shifters in the world!”
“Jimin you know it’s not like that!”
“Yeah? Do I? Do I really? Do I really know that? After what you just did to her, do I really know that you meant no harm? Yoongi, your eyes changed to red. You were beyond pissed, nothing has ever made you that mad. Do I really know that you meant nothing by it? Do I?
I blinked, holy crap I was an asshole! I looked down at my feet,” I’m sorry Jimin, I don’t know what got into me,”
“Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to her, you didn’t wrong me directly, you wronged her,”
“Damn your logic,” I said leaving the room.
    I was furiously packing. I have had enough! I’m a freak who can’t control her own wolf! I’m a fucking disgrace! I had to get away, before I hurt someone else. How could I do that to Percy and Mir? I was a… monster. I wiped away my tears stifling a sob with the back of my hand. I didn’t belong her, I belonged in a place where I couldn’t hurt anyone. The forest… alone… gone. I heard a knock on my door,” Go away!” I screamed.
    “Amy.. let me in please.”
“Why? So you can tell how terrible I am as a person? As a fucking demon? Or wait even better, how I shouldn’t even exist!?” I shot back.
“Amy just let me talk to you okay look I’m sorry for what I said I-I don't know what got into me.”
“In your exact words ‘It doesn’t matter that you didn’t mean it! It matters what you did!’ And it fucking hurt Yoongi! It hurt like hell!” I half screamed and I half sobbed my way through the retort.
“Amy please just let me in... or not I just want you to know that I’m sorry okay”
“Sorry doesn’t make it any better Suga. It still felt like a dagger through the fucking heart, actually a thousand times worse than that!” I threw my backpack over my shoulder,” I’m done Yoongi, fucking done,” I was a blubbering mess, something I have never been before. I didn’t know what to do. My heart felt like it was breaking, and I just wanted to die.
“Amy don't do anything stupid okay”
“Why shouldn’t I? I thought I mattered in this world, but apparently, I’m just too much of a freak to fit in,”
“Just because i got mad doesn't mean you don't matter”
“Ha,” I snorted,” You think you’re the only one whose told me that? Actions speak louder than words Yoongi! My parents have told me that my entire life and I am still a disappointment,”
“Your not a disappointment Amy you have to understand that there’s more good people in the world than your parents.”
I trust open the door,” How do you know that Yoongi? Everytime back home when I spoke of someday being somebody I was always shot down! I was always told my dreams were too big! That I’d never make it! YOONGI I’M A PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!! I DON’T FUCKING MATTER!!!!”   
“If you don't matter then why has Jay and Percy been by your side this entire time. Last night Jay even asked if YOU was okay after the fight. If you say you don't matter then why would she care if you were hurt or not.”
“You say that like you know me, you say that like you actually give a damn. In reality no one gives a damn. In reality… I’m just a mistake. The result of a one night stand Yoongi. If I really mattered, why would my dad leave me when I wasn’t even a year old?”
“Amy that’s your dad not you. You need to let go of your past and watch your future. You hold onto that it's going to run your life.”
“Yoongi… no one besides Mir and Percy has ever cared enough to say something like that. It’s… I don’t know anymore,” I smacked myself on the forehead.
“It's fine Amy I went through the same thing you’re going through so I understand where you're coming from.”
“It’s just been so long since I’ve broken down. I haven’t done this since I was seven! I was always the one who had to be strong. I never felt a damn thing, and now… that I feel… I’m confused, and this shit I’m going through is overbearing… I’m… lost, for the first time in my entire life, of all the things I could be, I’m lost,”
“It’s okay to be lost. That's why it’s good to have people to talk to about it. Having friends who know what you’ve been through. They can help you through these times that you feel lost.”
“I don’t want to burden anyone. It’s my mess, and my mess alone Yoongi,”
“Then you can talk to me if you feel like this okay?”
“No, I can’t. I feel like when I talk about it… no one actually listens. I feel like I’m just wasting my breath Yoongi, every damn time! Like I said, it’s my mess, and my mess alone. I’m nothing but a burden on everyone’s shoulders,”
“Coming to people with your problems isn’t you being a burden. It's fine to go to someone about that even if its something small. From what I could see you could talk to Jay about this as well. She seems like the mom of the group.”
“Yeah, she is. Thanks Yoongi, and about that apology,”
“I forgive you. I’ll stay and see how things work out. Thanks for listening,”
“No problem Amy, always here to listen,”
After a little bit me and yoongi started to grow closer as friends and i was shocked that jam didn’t try to stop us fighting. I got up to see where she was.
“Hey yoongi, jimin have either of you seen jam or percy?” i asked
“Oh yeah i think they went to the park with the others why do you ask?” jimin replied
“Because of the yelling earlier jam would have been trying to ge us to calm down,” i explain.
“Do you know which park?” i asked.
“ um.. I think ***** park. Do you wanna go there?” asked yoongi
“Sure sounds fun.” i replied. As we were walking to the park we heard someone yell.
I was chasing jungkook to get my phone back from him. I have to admit he is pretty fast.
“THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DROP YOUR GUARD!!” he yelled back. At this rate i’ll never catch up to him. If i'm right he’s heading to the guys. I jump into the trees and silently make my way to the group. It looks like I was right there he is.
“Hey guys you won't believe what just happened!” said jungkook running up to them.
“What happened?” asked taehyung
“I got jay phone.” he said cocky
“And your still alive??” asked percy
“Yeah why you say that?” he asked
“Cause the last person who got her phone she pinned them to the ground and almost broke their arm.” percy said with a smirk. Jungkook looked jungshook.
“Oh fu-” jungkook got cut off by me jumping out of the tree and landed on him pinning him to the grown.
“Got ya bitch!!” I yell on top of him snatching my phone back. I got off of him putting my phone in my bag.
“Where did you come from?!?!” he asked panicking as he turned to face me.
“I had the feeling you were running here to brag about getting my phone so I jumped into the trees and came to the guys.” i replied  
“Oh so you were the one who i sensed.” asked namjoon with jin agreeing.
“Yeah i was wondering who could sense my prestants or not “ i said. After a while of the guys playing and me and percy on our phones. Jungkook went to his fox form. He ran up to me as if he wanted to play.
“Hey jungkook what's up? You wanna play?” i asked. Im guessing im right because he wagged his tail.
“Ugh damn it jungkook you in your fox form. Fine. I’ll play.” i said in defeat. Me and jungkook played for a little while. Amy walked over to us questioning what is going on.
“Jay is that the fox i was telling you about?” amy asked. I nodded in response, but then i realized it was a bit too quiet especially for BTS. then I remembered.
“Um guys wheres tae?” i asked
“Wait you use his nickname and not mine?” jungkook said whining.
“Calm down kookie. Where is he.” i said looking around the park. Everyone looked both panicked and calm because this is normal for him when they go places. I go off to the side and let leo go looking for him. I waited for him to come back. When he came back i found out where he is.
“Okay, thanks little buddy.” i told him and went to the others. As i walked over there i could hear percy start laughing. It also looks like amy and jimin isn’t having any of if.
“Is Percy cracking dog jokes again,” i asked namjoon
“Yep ,” he said not looking up from his book
“Oh and I found tae apparently he was watching some birds for some reason.” I said as he gave me a little nod in response.I walk over to them noticing their eyes. Amy’s is a orangish brown while Jimin’s is a bright golden brown. Oh god i look at jin who’s also noticed it as well. Me and jin looked at each other and nod. We walk over to percy.
“Yo Perc you might wanna stop,” i said making sure he doesn’t try to make them any more mad.
“What do you mean jam?” percy said trying to act innocent. Jin dumbed it down for him.
“There are people who don’t know us. They go wolf. We go 6 feet under.” he explained
“Okay okay i’ll stop and jam i have a question do you feed your snakes mice,”
“Yes and they haven’t been feed yet.” i replied with a smirk. Percy looked at me in disappointment. He knows i don't deal with his bull unless it’s funny. After that tae came back to the group and laid on the grass with me jungkook and amy. I was in between jungkook and taehyung looking at the sky.
“Hey guys have you heard of that murder group i forgot their name i think it was THE VOID or something!?!” jhope asked as he ran up to us from the swings.
“What are you talking about and why are you so loud?” asked yoongi who just woke up.
“The group that calls themselves  the void !!” jhope yelled now freaking out. I think this is the first time he’s raised his voice like this because everyone is in shock.
“Jhope. Tell us what happened.” i told him calmly because he looked like he was going to cry. Me and Amy got up and walked to him to give him a hug to calm down.  Lucky enough it helped him alot. We sat down with the other’s and jhope told us what happened.
“Okay apparently VOID hit for more houses everyone there dead the worst part it was close to our house,” jhope said with fear in his voice. Everyone was in shock.
“Were they caught?” jin asked with protection mode on.
“....No” jhope replied. Everyone’s eyes widened in disbelief.
“What.. what if… we stop and track them down.” asked taehyung. Everyone stared at him as if he was crazy
“That’s actually…” i paused as i looked at Amy who had the same idea that i had. Everyone was questioning what I would say next.
“Not a bad idea. Let's be heroes,” i said with a smile. Amy and Percy nodded in agreement long with maknae line.
“Guys we can’t be superheroes!” said jin
“Yeah it's to tiring,” said yoongi. I gave him my what the fuck look.
“Come on if we do this was could stop everything and make things better in this fucked up world,” i said standing up. After a while of convincing we got threw to the hyung line. Everyone was in on the plan. We made our way back to the house to talk more about this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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