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The inorganic and the mythical collided in the ancient forest, turning the beautiful green valley into a pockmarked war zone.
Dashing backwards with a flap of her wings, Mothra dodged a swipe from Gigan's right scythe, chirping and retaliating with twin beams from her antennae.
Guarding himself with his other limb, Gigan deflected the attack and twirled around to lash out with his tail.

"Jeez" Said Cyclops as he shook his head. "That thing is going to butcher Mothra if it gets the chance."

Watching the fight from a hillside, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Kitty and Wasp looked on in awe as a creature of beauty and nobility warred with a monstrosity of alien flesh and engineering.

"She seems to be holding her own so far." Wasp clutched a hand to her chest, wincing every time one of the cyborg's blades nearly cleaved through their newfound ally.

Kurt did not share her optimism. "Ja, but for how long?"

Gigan lunged head first, his visor glowing. Savvy to his tricks however, Mothra loosed a cloud of reflective scales just as the ruby beam was fired, resulting in a massive detonation much closer than the alien Frankenstein anticipated. He stumbled back blinded, unable to stop Mothra from slamming the side of her body into him with such force it sent Gigan careening several hundred meters.

The group on the hillside let out a collective groan.

"It looks like he got thrown from a car!" Kitty exclaimed with a raised eyebrow, stifling a laugh.

As Mothra continued the fight, charging forward then evading a red beam, the leader of the X-Men pursed his lips. Scott Summers didn't like being sidelined in a fight, not least one with this much at stake. He kept trying to think of ways for his team to help the benevolent Kaiju in some way, but it just seemed like nothing they did at their scale mattered.

"Look!" Nightcrawler called out. The others turned to see him pointing to where a barrel-shaped craft was lowering itself to the ground on thrusters. The large "Stark Industries" logo on the side confirmed that this was the rescue that Janet's fellow Avenger had dispatched to them. Bearing the same color scheme as its creator, it landed with a surprisingly quiet thud, and a section unfolded to make a walkable ramp and an open space for them to enter.

Kitty was the first to make a move for the pod. "Exit, stage left!" She mused as she climbed inside. Attached to the inner walls were six seats, padded for comfort and stability, and interlaced with five-point harnesses.

From a speaker overhead, the familiar voice of the AI JARVIS greeted them. "Please enter quickly, and the pod will transport you to safety."

"Sweet!" Kurt said, appearing in a seat and beginning to fiddle with the harness straps.

Wasp entered next, giving the portable room a look-over. "I hope he put a bathroom in this thing..."

Last, Cyclops put a foot on the threshold, pausing as he braced his hands on the sides.
I really should get in a seat. He thought to himself. But a combination of shrieks, one mechanic and another soulful, turned his ear.

"Uh-oh." Janet said, noticing Scott's delay. "I've seen that look on Captain Rogers a dozen times. And it never winds-up with a quiet ride home."

"I've never run away from a fight I thought I could win." Cyclops muttered with a snarl. "And I never left a friend behind."

The rest were taken aback.

"Is there something about ze giant monster fight you think you can win?" An incredulous Nightcrawler asked from his seat. "Did you make friends with ze giant bug while I vasn't looking?"

Godzilla|Marvel Saga Book 1: WORLDS COLLIDEWhere stories live. Discover now