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You were in your (new) room and you were laying on your bed.
Y/N: *sighs* I wonder if woozi has anything to do with this... ow well never mind that, I need to get away from here.
You got up and you walked to your door and opened it a little.
You looked in the hallway and you didn't see anybody.
You slowly walked outside and closed the door quietly.

Y/N:*thinks* I hope nobody is around.

You slowly walked to the front door and opened it. You walked outside and you walked to the water. On this island weren't that much trees in the front of the building. You walked to the water.

Y/N:*thinks* will I be able to swim back?
Y/N:*thinks* well I can always try.
You slowly walked into the water.

You got under with your head and you slowly got used to the temperature.
You swam away from the island and slowly tried to make your way to the other island.
After a while of swimming you stopped.

Y/N: *sighs* how far is it even, it looks so close by but it takes so long to get there.
You continued to swim.
After a while it started to storm a lot.
The waves were very high but luckily the waves were going in the same way as the island of the boys (I know I keep calling them the boys sorry 😂)
But you got very tired of all the swimming and you slowly lost energy and you fainted..

You woke up and it was not in the sky place on the giant mountain you were before with Yura.
Y/N: Yura..? Are you here ?

... no response.
You looked at the other mountains and they were too far away to walk.
You looked Around for something you could use as vehicle.
You didn't find anything..
You walked down the mountain and you walked to the nearest lake and you looked in the water.
Y/N: looks like I'm in my elf form.
You smiled and walked to the mountains (the mountains you flew to with Yura and crystal)
You walked for a few hours until somebody with a giant deer came by.
There was an elf sitting on top and the deer was so big and had some plant accessories.
Elf: hello, are you lost?
Y/N: no I'm trying to get to the elf village.
Elf: ow I'm going there too, need a ride.
Y/N: yeah, thanks.
The elf holds his hand out and he helped you on top of the deer.
Elf: let's go.
The deer started running and it was pretty fast.
Elf: I have a little question, where is you animal?
Y/N: animal? Ow I don't have one.
Elf: ow that's strange, normally every elf has an animal.
Y/N: ow well I don't have one, but maybe I will have one soon.
Elf: ow, wait are you Y/N by any change?
Y/N: ehm... yeah.
Elf: ow that explains a lot.
Y/N: wait how do you know me?
Elf: ow my friend Yura talks a lot about you.
Y/N: you know Yura?
Elf: yeah she is my best friend.
Y/N: ah I see.
Elf: okay we're here.
The deer stopped and you were in front of a giant gate.
Elf: stay here.
She got of the deer and walked to the gate.
She opened it and got back on the deer.
The deer walked inside.
Elf: well here we are.
Elf: you know the way around here?
Y/N: ehm a little.
Elf: okay well I need to take care of my own things.
Y/N: ow okay.
You got of the deer.
Y/N: it was nice meeting you.
Elf: same to you, have a good time.
The deer and the elf took of and you looked around in the hope to find Yura.
You walked for a while and you sometimes asked people where Yura lived.
You Finally found her house after a while.
It was a giant flower with a door and windows.
You knocked on the door and Yura opened.
Yura: Y/N!!!!
She hugged you and it felt like she would never let go.
Y/N: hey Yura.
Yura: how have you bin, I haven't seen you in like forever.
Y/N: I am.... good.
Yura: did something happen?
Yura: ow wait come inside first because it's awkward talking out here.
You got inside and it was beautiful everything was made of leaves and flowers.
You sat down on a couch made of rose leaves.
Yura: well? What happend?
You explained everything, that you were sort of kidnapped by some people and it looked like they were vampires too.
Then you remembered that you were swimming and fainted.
Yura: is something wrong?

Yura: what is it?!
Y/N: I was swimming away from the island and it began to storm, and then I fainted in the water.!
Yura: ow... that's a problem.
Y/N: wait did I go here because I'm dead??
Yura: no probably not, otherwise I could see your aura.
Y/N: you can see my aura?
Yura: well every elf can but since you are not fully here I can't see it.
Y/N: so I'm not dead?
Yura: no, maybe something or someone saved you.
Y/N: that could be the case.
You talked a little with Yura and after a while..
You slowly disappeared from the elf world and you said goodbye to Yura.

You woke up...

You were laying on grass and you looked up at the night sky.
You sat up and you looked around you saw a small campfire and somebody else.
You got up and walked to the person to get a better look at it's face.
It was a guy and he was sleeping.

It looked like ..


???: ah Y/N you are awake..

To be continued

1 elf  7 vampiresWhere stories live. Discover now