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  Eddie usually picks me up for school but i decide to leave early and walk to school. i star my walk down the road its breezy in the mornings and so pretty i cant help but smile. i look at my ugly cast hmm maybe Seth can draw something cool on it for me so it wont be so plain. I'm at my half way mark almost to school i stop by a coffee shop just by a little way down when i get their i order a frappachino with wipedcream. The bell on top of the door goes off i turn to see Seth walking in and a smile spreads across my face.

  "Hey Seth whats up?"

"Just getting some coffee."

  "Mmmhmm cool."

 My frap comes out a cute guy brings it to me he smiles , "My numbers under the cup cutie."

  "Thank you. " I wink at him as he walks away and Seth and i start laughing once he gets to the back. Seth grabs my broken arm and looks at the cast. "It could use a little color."

   I nod as he he drops my arm he gets his coffee and nods his head to the car "Lets go."

  "No, I'll walk."

  "Come on we should make an entrance."

 Seth smiles at me with his devilish teeth mmm he's soooo sexy!! i follow him thinking he's rite we should i wonder how Eddies goin to act he probably already went by my house and got yelled at by my mom. He must be furious.

  Eyes are on us as we pull up to school especially Eddies i can see the rage in his eyes, everybody else's is excitement there waiting to see the drama unfold. My heart beats like a racehorse i look at Seth and he looks at me he smiles then winks. I watch him get out of the car and he comes around to my side and opens the door. I step out and we start to walk with our drinks in hand Eddie starts to walk toward me he grabs my upper arm tightly "Eddie your hurting me!"

  "Thats not even half the pain your goin to feel." He whispers in my ear he starts to pull me away from Seth everybody looks away when Eddie starts to look straight ahead. I look up at Eddie and i can see his black eye. "Lyla!!"

  I turn as Eddie drags me i look at him with fear full eyes tears start to pour out. Seth starts to race to me, Eddie grabs my face and kisses me harshly on the lips making them hurt i can feel them getting swollen. I pushed away on his body he backs off a little the back of his  hand smacks crap out of me' that's going to be sore in ten min. i fall on the grass "YOU ARE MY GIRL NOBODY ELSES AND YOU BETTER START ACTING LIKE IT!!!!!"

 Everybody looks at the scene and i feel embarrassed, it's the second day of school and he already starts. I can't do this for much longer I black out as i feel a blow to my face again i hear teachers and cops yelling at Eddie and thats when everything goes silent.


     when i wake up I'm in the hospital i know it i look around the room and see Seth sitting down in the chair in the room with his hands on his head looking down my mom and dad are outside the room i can see them threw the glass window.  "Seth?"

 He looks up and rushes to my side quickly i reach out for him but it makes my back hurt along with my ribs. The tattoo on my ribcage is burning. "Dont move Lyla he beat you up pretty badly. I was trying to get to you sooner but, his friends were holding me back."

  "Do you have a mirror?"

He takes one of the circular mirrors off the wall and hesitates to give it to me, "Give it to me Seth."

  I look in the mirror and their little scratches all over my face my jaw is bruised and so is my left eye, I start to cry silently at the sight before me. My face is all messed up, i put the mirror down Seth sees me crying. He sits on the bed with me and pulls me to him. Even though the hug hurts because of the bruises it also feels good to be in his arms. He's warm and comfy i feel safe. he coos me and kisses my for head. He yells for my parents and they come rushing in "Baby girl are you okay?"

  I keep crying but nod my head. I feel Seth pull away but i grasp on to him so he cant.

    "Seth here saved you hunny if he wouldn't have pulled Eddie off of you you could have bleed to death." Your insides are bruised bad."

  "Where is Eddie?"

 "In jail sweetie you don't have to worry about him."

 "Dad his family is the richest in whole city, he can get out whenever he pleases."

   "I wont let him hurt you Lyla"

 We all look at Seth i smile as he kisses my forehead the doctor comes in, "Hey there Lyla."

 Oh shit its the same doctor from the arm place he cant be the same doctor!

   "Hows the baby growing?"

 My mom and dad look at me with shocked eyes..... Oh my god!!!

  "Lyla what is the meaning of this?"

 Seth and i both laugh even though it hurts for me to laugh i still do. The doctor talks to my mom and dad after they are done they look at me with a serious face.

  "Lyla are you pregnant?"

 "No mom I'm not it was a joke me and Seth played on the doctor ."

  I could see the relief wash over them Seth and i giggle a bit. "Well the doctor said we can take you home today."

  "Okay lets go im starving!!"





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