Seth is kept out of the room till 12:00 its 11:50 my heart is racing and all i want is Seth i can hear him fighting his way in bangs on the door make me jump i feel like I'm not even in my body like I'm watching from above. my body twist and turns in pain for 5 minuets but the pains stops the blankets twist in knots in my fist at bolts of Ecstasy and pure love, and passion shoot right threw my body making my core burn. "Mmmmmm Seth!!!!"
i bite my lip so hard i taste blood trying not to make him go insane as i weep for him to take me and mark me as his mate.
The door bust open i see Seth his eyes black so dark he pulls off his shirt then comes to the bed his sexy stomach exposed hot and heavy breathing his chest rises high. i feel my heart beating at a million miles an hour i lay their as he un does the strings to my robe leaving me exposed. He gets on top on me and i pull his pants off. We look deeply into each others eyes
"Let me meet my wolf Lyla."
I let my body relax,
"She wants to meet her wolf."
Seth nods an relaxes
"Mmmm Myra, you're still beautiful as you were a thousand years ago."
"Still a charmer i see."
"Myra i've missed you so much i've searched for the perfect soul for us and i found Seth. He loves Lyla more than a wolf has to. He would do anything for her."
"I search but i didn't have to go far once i felt Lyla's soul how dark and cold it was with that ass hole Eddie i knew their was more for her and of her i just had to bring it out. Her soul is so pure and now she will be a warrior and a pact leader i hope i can trainee her well. I know she has it in her. She loves Seth as much as Seth loves her she can stand to see Seth down she feels what he feels i just hope this battle ends well for the both of us and them. iv waited to long to find you Mike."
"I bet they don't even know they're having sex."
"They don't i made sure she wouldn't remember this she wanted the first time to be more than a mark then done."
"Yes she is very picky though but i love her."
"We love her too Myra."
"Mike its time, Tell Seth to mark her."
I feel teeth sink into my skin I'm back in my body Seth hovering over me i black out the second he removes his teeth.
I wake up to a sunny morning my head on Seth's chest my thighs are soar i think we did it lats night....
Seth wakes up and sits up pulling me into his lap hugging me and kissing my shoulder a smile spread across my face I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be for once. With Seth I'm happy I'm one a cloud that i never want to fall off of and I'm not because i have accepted it I'm meant to be with him and this is where I'm going to remain.
The door bust open all the boys come in
"Seth hes coming!!!!! Lyla Eddies coming for you!!"
I feel anger rip thought my body my heart races and i feel my skin shatter and fall off of me I'm on the floor what? How did i? All the boys are looking at me with shocked eyes and Seth is one the bed with a huge smile on his face.
I walk to a near by mirror and close my eyes, Scared to open them i part my eye lids slowly....... Im pure White and glowing with a gray stripe going down my chest making a sharp long diamond. I am a wolf
"A verry beautiful wolf. " Myra says i smile
"Myra what are we going to do ?"
"We will figure it out my sweets don't fret you are the strongest wolf in the world im sure it wont be that hard to over come Eddies pact."