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   Two weeks pass by and I'm ready to go back to school, i hate makeup but it covers up the light bruise that are left on my face. I was worried about missing all these days and that it would count against me but luckily the school board left it alone and it doesn't count due to the lack of security in the school the school got in trouble for it. I get up in the morning and start to get ready straightening my hair and putting on jeans a t_shirt and jeans. I slip on my converse and head downstairs to eat breakfast and take my pain meds. I scarf the food down and wait in the living room and watch tv till Seth gets here.

        i hear his car pull up and look at the time we still have an hour and 30 min till school really starts. I wait for him to come knocking at the door. I hear the car cut off and then knocks on the door. I open the door he looks so hot black Dicky shorts and black v cut polo shirt and black polo shoes. He's not a gangster but he's not a rocker either. i don't know what he is but i like his style it looks so perfect on him. I realize I'm drooling over him and he's just smiling showing his perfect white teeth so sharp and sexy. I mentally slap myself and drop my smile a little "Hey Seth."

  He pats his hair down and looks at me "Hey Lyla."'

  God his voice just sent shivers down my arms, he looks at my arm and touches them "Are you cold?"

 I shake my head no and bring him inside we sit in the living room and he sits far from me. The distance is killing me because these two weeks he'd come after school and spend time with me in my room and watch movies with me. I hate watching scary movies but he loves them and he would make me watch them and i always caught us wrapped into each other at the end of the movie. I would try to make it as un-akward as possible and just change the movie right after. Now that I'm not hurt as much and I'm better its different.

   "Are you okay Seth?"

 He nods his head yes and i drop the convo quickly i can tell something is bothering him but I don't know what it is. We watch Sex Drive to pas the time up when its over we have 10 min to get to school and it only takes 5. "You ready Lyla?"

   I nod my head and we head outside to the car i wait for him to open the door but he just stands their looking at me. My breathing starts to panic as he gets closer to me my back to the car i feel his hands on my waist he's looking at my lips as i look at his. KISS ME!!!! Wait no don't kiss me we can't do this it will put him in danger and me and I don't want to fall in love I don't want to be with anybody. No this cant happen shit what do i do!!!  I panic and wrap my arms around his neck and hug him he hugs me tightly we stay like that for a good 2 min. He pulls away and smiles "You ready for school?"

   I nod my head and he opened the door for me. When we get to school all his friends are already parked and are waiting for us. Its my first time meeting them. They all look really mean only because they are all tatted up buff and really cholo gangster. He grabs my face "Your going to be okay they are goin to love you."


    We get out of the car and all his friends come up to us their hard cold faces turn into sweet ones as they see Seth and i. They all come up to us and they each shake my hand they are actually really nice and they all laugh at my jokes. I can't stop laughing because they are also really funny. A teacher comes up to us and talks to only me as if everybody else isn't there. "How are you and Eddie?"

  "Ummm, What?"

 "I'm Eddies uncle."

 "Oh well there is no Eddie and i anymore. Thanks for asking."

  "You know he really loves you."

    "Oh yes he loves me so much he beats me."

I smile sweetly and start to walk away with my new friends,

  "He comes back on Friday."

"Nice to know."

Seth says as we walk away. He must have been suspended god i hate how he's so connected! If it where a different school or city he would be in juvie or I don't know at like a boot camp or something! I'm really frustrated and tense rite now. I keep feeling Seth's hand bump into mine as we walk i wish i wanted a relationship but i just cant what if he turns out to be like Eddie nice the first couple of months so i fall for him then he starts beating me and change completely? I cant go threw with that again i need to keep him my friend so we wont end up like how Eddie and i are. I shake my head at the thought of all the things goin on in my mind.

  "Are you okay Lyla?"

I nod my head as we enter the classroom one of his friends are in this class with us but sits across the room from us. his name is Alex he's really nice and funny and cute too. I see him flirting with one of my friends and chuckle a little. Seth turns around and looks at me. "Whats so funny?"

 I point to where Alex is sitting and he chuckles too.

  "yea you should of seen when they first met. Your friend kept blowing him off but i don't know how he does it though."

  I smile at the though of my whitest friend being with a Hispanic guy they would look so cute together.

All through the day i have a class with each of Seths friends i feel way safer but i don't know if I'm goin to still feel that way when he really comes back. After school i was hoping Seth would come over but he has to work. He hasn't really been at the shop a lot because of me and i feel really bad that its cause of me. He asked me to come to the shop with him but i didnt want to be a bother to him so i decides to stay home. We pull up to my house i sit there for a little bit waiting for him to say bye but he never did, I start to open the door but he reaches over and closes it. "I like you."

  He says it so quick oh god what do i say!!! "I like you to Seth."

    "Not just as a friend."

  Crap!!!!! what do i say oh god ohhh god!!!!

     "I like you more than a friend too but i, I'm still hung up on Eddie still. Im not over him completely."

Thats the biggest lie in the world i hate him so much!!!!


 Was all he could muster i could see the hurt in his eyes and i could feel it in my heart too.


   He looks up and i cant help what I'm about to do but i have to and i want to for get that I NEED TOO!

 Our lips meet my heart sets fire as well as my whole body my breathing quickens as he kisses back passionately devouring me completely i savor the kiss not wanting it to end. His sweet tasting lips move with mine so perfectly. Oh god I'm in love.......

  I pull away from his intoxicating lips and close my eyes resting my forehead on his my hand on the back of his neck his hands on either side of my face. "I told you i like you Seth i really do.But i need to be over Eddie before you and i ever have a chance."

 He breaths out his minty breath hits my face and i smile remembering his taste. I bite my bottom lip and look into his Hazel eyes their so intense and full of meaning. I wonder what he sees in mine. Fear....... "I have to go."

  I nod my head and pull away he rolls down the window as i get out i close the door i lean down to the window. "Bye, Seth."

 "Bye Lyla."


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