King For A Day

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Kellin's POV

I saw Juliet and Vic walking up to me while I was talking to Copeland and my fiance over Skype. "Oh hey you guys." I said looking up at them. It was obvious Juliet was crying before. "Hold on babe." I said while putting the laptop down. "Juls, what's wrong? What'd Vic do?" I asked pulling her to sit in my lap. "Vic didn't do anything." She whispered and cried harder. "What's wrong then?" I asked brushing her hair out of her face. "I...I saw Dad..." She whispered and cried harder. Juliet always have little encounters with our dad. She can see him, although I can't. "Shh, it's gonna be alright baby." I soothed her. "Hey babe, I'll call you later. Give Copeland a kiss for me and Aunt Juliet. I love you." Katelynn smiled and blew a kiss at us. "Okay baby. I love you too. I love you Juls!" Juliet smiled and blew a kiss back. "I love you too." We said our goodbyes, and I logged off of skype. "Vic, can I talk to you?" I asked and told Juliet to go onto the bus. She said okay and got onto the bus. "What's up Quinn?" He said and took a seat beside me. "Don't try anything that you know where I'll kick your ass. Okay? That's my baby sister there. You don't fully understand what she has been threw. We lost our dad a few months ago, that's why she was crying so much. She was his little girl. I've always been overprotective of her. That's why I'm telling you now. She's never had a guy look at her in a way a guy should when they like someone. Never. If you two get close, promise me you'll treat her with respect, and make her feel special." Vic looked at me wtih wide eyes. "I promise, Kellin. But I honestly don't know if we'll date. I don't think she likes me in that way. I need to tell you something." He looked at me and I started getting all the wrong questions. "No, we didn't do anything stupid." He said bluntly. I just started to laugh. "Okay, on a serious note. What is it?" I asked looking at him holding myself back for the worse. "I know you're going to think I'm insane, but I saw your father too." Vic looked down at the ground and sighed. I sighed as well. "Where?" I asked placing a hand on his shoulder. He nodded and whispered, "Over by the trees. I think that's where she saw him cause that's where she was looking. When I came out, I saw him standing there. I don't know how I know it was your dad, but when I looked back after holding Juliet, he was gone." That really shocked me. I got a text from Juliet;

JulietCarolyn: I heard everything.

KellinQuinn: What did you hear?

JulietCaroyln: He saw Dad. He doesn't think we'll date. You told him I've never had a boyfriend.

KellinQuinn: Oh, so you did hear.

JulietCarolyn: Yeah, but Kel, I do like him...

KellinQuinn: Want me to talk to him about it?

JulietCarolyn: Sure...

She's a nut. But I love her with all of my heart. "Vic, tell me something." I said looking up from my phone. "What?" He asked staring at his feet. "How much do you like Juliet?" His gaze shot right up to me. Hope filled his eyes. "Honestly, I like her a lot..." Vic said looking straight ahead at the row of buses. "Go onto my bus and go talk to her." I whispered to make sure Juliet didn't hear. He whispered back, "Why are we whispering?" I chuckled lightly. "Juliet was listening the whole time." He mouthed to me "Ohhh, gotcha." I nodded and told him to go inside. He did what I said.

Vic's POV

I slowly walked onto the bus of Sleeping with Sirens to make sure she didn't hear me. She was laying in the backroom on her bed. Photos of all her friends plastered everywhere. There was photos of her and Kellin when they were younger. There was a couple of photos of Juliet holding Copeland and a few with Copeland and her sleeping in a small bed together. Juliet was laying in her bed, headphones in playing King for A Day. I smiled gently. I laid beside her. She jumped lightly and took the headphones out. "I need to talk to you." I said gently, brushing the hair from her face. "Go ahead. I'm listening." She said gently. "Juliet Bostwick. I like you, a lot. I want you to be mine, I want to be able to kiss you without feeling anxious to know if you're going to kiss me back, I want to be able to have my arms around you and be able to say 'This is my beautiful girlfriend Juliet.' and mostly I want to be able to love you. I wanna be your first and last boyfriend, Juliet." I asked gently holding onto her hands. I looked into her eyes, and they were filled with tears. "Vic, that was the most sweetest thing I've ever heard. I like you, a lot too. I don't know what to say." Juliet said smiling brightly, hugging me. "What I'm trying to ask is, will you go out with me?" I asked with high hopes she say yes. Juliet smiled and nodded, "I would love to go out with you." Just her smile, laugh, everything made me have butterflies. "Come on, you need to get on stage." She whispered and grabbed my hand. Tonight, would be a great show to kick off Warped Tour.

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