You're The Reason I Live

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Vic's POV

Juliet was so peaceful when she was sleeping. She stirred when I was trying to close the curtian. I froze in place. She stopped moving. Okay, she's still asleep. "Vic, just the man I was looking for!" Gabe and Kellin both whispered yelled. "What's up?" I whispered and went into the back room. "Okay, well tomorrow is Juliet's 19th birthday. And we had an idea of bringing her out on stage with you during King For A Day. What do you say? Since we don't get to the next venue until later tonight." Kellin explained. I liked the thought of it. We've been together for almost 2 weeks. Everything is going perfect. "Kellin, I need to talk to you. Alone." I said and looked at Gabe. "Alright. I'll see you in a bit Gabe." Kellin said while Gabe walked back into the front. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. "What is it, Fuentes?" Kellin asked looking at me. "I think I'm falling in love Juliet, man. I don't want to spend another day, or anything without her. I feel that she's the one. Well, besides the band and the fans, but she's the reason I keep going. Kellin, man. I love her. I know she and I haven't been together for that long, but I think want to spend the rest of my life with her." Kellin looked at me and gave me a bro hug. "Bro, if you love her. Tell how much you love her tonight on stage. I'm sure she feels the same. She won't shut up about you, dude." Kellin laughed and walked out of the back room.

"Hey Vic. We're stopping in town. I know what you can get her." Jesse yelled from the front. I checked on Juliet. She's still asleep. I wrote a small note to her.


I love you baby girl. Kellin, me and the guys, well except for Justin went out into town for a few. Be safe. Don't do anything stupid or reckless. Kellin said he loves you and he'll call you in a few. Text me once you get up. I love you.

Victor Fuentes<3

I gently kissed her forehead and walked off the bus.

Juliet's POV

I woke up with the most worse migraine I've ever had. Justin was laying on the couch watching Spongebob. I laughed to myself and laid my head in his lap. He's like my second brother. "What's up buttercup?" He asked messing with my hair. "I have the most worse migraine ever. It hurts just to even think about breathing." I whispered and put my hands over my eyes. Justin leaned over and shut the lights off and kissed my forehead. "Wait, on a scale 1-10 how bad is it and how bad was your last one?" Justin asked with a bit of fear in his tone. Let me fill you in. Ever since my dad died, I'd have really bad migraines. I mean, I had them before but they got so bad I wanted to just die. The last one I had, I ended up sleeping for 23 hours. Weird huh? "Uhm, the last one was probably about an 8. This one, it's a 12." I said looking into his eyes. He told me to get up and he ran to his bunk and grabbed his phone. What's going on?

Justin's POV

I immediately called Kellin. "Hey man, what's up?" Kellin said on the first ring. "Juliet said she's having another bad migraine. She's rated this one as a 12." I just gave him the most important. "On my way." He said and hung up. We need to get her to the emergency room...

Kellin's POV

"Vic, we need to go. It's Juliet." I said and paid for the clothes I had just bought. "What?! What happened?!" He started to flip out. "I'll fill you in on the way back." I said and walked out to the next store that Gabe, Jesse and Jack were in. "Guys, let's go." I said and started to walk out. "Why?" Jack asked. "Juliet." I didn't need to say anymore and they dropped their stuff and ran out the door. I got in the drivers seat, Vic in the passenger and the guys in the back. "Okay so fill me in on what is going on?!" Vic asked shaking in his seat. "Okay, about 9 months ago whenever our dad died, she'd get terrible migraines where she wanted to just die. Not literaly, but it was that bad. Well, everytime she gets one, we rate it. The last one she had; she slept for 23 hours. We were terrified. She rated it as an 8. But today, she was lucky enough to wake up. Justin told me that once she laid her head in his lap she started to cry for how bad it was. She winced at the lights, and even when he talked. He asked her what she rated it...It was a 12." Vic's eyes grew wider and wider with each word. Jesse and Gabe were shocked, Jack was just speechless. I love my sister to death, but her and Jack were more close than anything. I could hear Jack silently crying.

"Justin! Man, where is she?" I asked once I got back on the bus. "Sh! She's asleep." Justin said and my eyes got wide. "No, no, no." I said and gently shook her. "Juls, come on. Get up. You can't sleep." I said and tears started to fall out of my eyes. "Juls, please." I begged. "Fuck this, open the door!" I yelled and picked her up. I called out to our merch guy, Kyle. "Dude, cancel for Sirens. Family emergency." I yelled out and he knew what I meant. I placed her in the backseat of the car. Vic ran to the car as well. "Kel, she'll be alright. I know she will." I knew he was as scared as I was.

-At The Hospital-

"Family of Juliet Bostwick?" The doctor asked and I stood up. Vic stood as well. "Which one is related to Juliet?" He asked again. "I am, sir." I said choking back tears. "You brought her here just in time." He said and patted my back. The doctor looked at Vic. "Who are you to, Miss. Bostwick?" Vic was speechless. He was crying once again. I've never seen that boy cry. "He's her boyfriend. They've been together for a while." I reassured him. "Oh, alright. Well she's in room 521 in the ICU. You can go and see her. She's awake." I thanked him and grabbed ahold on Vic. "She's awake bro. Let's go see her." I said and walked to the elevator. I pushed the number 5 and silently sang All of My Heart to myself.

I looked for room 521 and finally stumbled upon it. "Kel?" She asked and started bawling. "Shh. It's going to be alright." I whispered and kissed her forehead. "Vic..." She whispered and looked at him. He smiled and walked over to her and kissed her hand. "I love you, both. With all of my heart." She whispered and kissed Vic on the lips and kissed my forehead. "I love you too babe. Don't ever forget it." I whispered with a few tears falling. "I love you too babygirl." Vic said and ruffled her hair back. "I'll be back. I need to call Katelynne." I said and walked out. She's going to be okay, Kellin. I thought to myself. God I don't want to lose my only sister next.

I Breathe You In With Smoke(Pierce the Veil & Sleeping with Sirens FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now